-"Liza can try and find out as much as she can from Aurora about her dad. And Liza you can have those girly things girls do, and maybe snoop around the house a bit.

I'll follow Chris everywhere he goes and I'll go to mrs fisher to find out about how I can disguise my scent and appear human to Chris. I think all of us should, he probably did a lot of research on ghosts before coming here. We need to be careful"

"Aye aye Sherlock Tobias." I was actually impressed with Toby, his plans sounded practical.

-"and you Ellis, try and be nice to Aurora in the meantime and try and find out as much as you can about the magic bound and the incense ."

-"maybe we could swap it," Elizabeth offered.
-"well Chris will get suspicious if the incense goes missing right? But if we swap it for something similar..."

Elizabeth trailed off. Toby and I looked at each other in understanding.
-"then he won't be suspicious, I like."

Toby smiled like a five year old . The plan wasn't polished, but it was all we had . This plan was literally the be all or end all.


One word for this discovery; strange. There was no word of it on google. At All. I'd researched Vancouver Beacon on every search engine I could think off, Google, explora, bing and nothing came up . All that managed to come up was the fact that the place had became inhabitable .

According to google, nothing existed in Vancouver, due to it's dangerous living conditions. I'm gonna have to ask my dad about this when he comes back from wherever he went to get 'supplies' how many Vancouver Beacons were there? This was creeping to the max.

I was still engrossed in this whole Vancouver business when the intercom announced a knocker. I ran downstairs to see who it was. Who visits on Sunday people? Who? I was hoping it wasn't anyone important cause I was looking like crap. I had on a dress shirt with leggings. Okay so maybe I haven't bathed, yet.

I opened the door to find Elizabeth standing there with her back facing me.
"Hey Lizzy come on in,"
She came in and gave me a hug. Something was really different about her and I wasn't talking about her hugging me. She looked... Different, more like me, not as pale. I couldn't place my finger on it.

"Did you do something to your skin? You look really different.-" she raised her eyebrow. "Good different." I smiled and she returned it.
-"thank you dear sister. I thought I'd shake things up a bit you know, change my wardrobe,"

I laughed with her as we made our way to the kitchen . "So where are the boys?" I noticed she'd came alone.
-"eh, probably having a slumber over at Toby's." I raised my eyebrow.
"Oh a sleep over? That's cute." Slumber. Who says slumber anymore. I definitely like Lizzy.

She was one of those people who had old souls . She exuded wisdom. Impressive, considering we're the same age.

-"yes, I just hope they get through the night, knowing Ellis , he's probably started problems with Toby." She smiled. One could see she was fond of the two boys, the way she spoke about them, it lit her eyes.
-"and since they're having their own slumber party, I was hoping we could also have fun, and talk, about things you know, as friends."

I laughed, she looked edgy. She probably didn't do this often. "Yeah sure. That sounds awesome actually. We'll take selfies and it's gonna be fabulous." I'd definitely never been to a sleep over before, or have people stay at my house. My dad was totally against it.
Even the friends that I had had to be approved by him. My mom was a bit chilled though, she just let me be me. Mom. My heart swelled at the thought of my mom having started her own family.
We were never enough for her. I was never enough.

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