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ok so this happened like 7 months ago maybe idk

but i'm in this huge fuckin convenience store with my (now ex) bf (let's call him Jimmy) and my momther and we're getting slushies ok

and i see someone coming up to me so i turn to face them and it's a girl with blue hair and a nose ring and she's wearing a fob shirt and i'm p sure i was wearing one too but idk

anyways she just kind of looks at me for a second and them blurts out "hi you're REALLY pretty"

she put so much emphasis on the word really omfg

anyways Jimmy is standing riGht next to me and he turns around and just states at her with his fuckin slushie in his hand and i'm just kind of standing there in surprise

so then i snap out of it and say "oh my god, thank you! also i love your shirt a lot" and before she can say anything my mom is calling for us to pay for our slushies so i really quickly said bye to the girl and ran off to the register with Jimmy

tbh if i had been single in that moment i would have fuckin asked for her number bc she was heLLA cute

ok thanks bye

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