How soulmate necklaces work (Necklace User Manuel 1)

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------------------------------Soulmate Necklace + N.U.M 1 is to issued at the age of 16-------------------------------

So you've been issued your necklace, well, here is a little clue to how it works:

Color Scheme:

Purple- love found

Blue- getting close

Green- plenty of time

Red- running out of time

Yellow- your love is dead

Black- you are out of time

What happens when you find soulmates: They glow an extremely bright purple, and let's off a silent signal that lets the govt. know to come and repossess your necklaces.

What happens when your love dies: Your necklace glows a vibrant yellow and let's off a silent signal to the govt., they give a you portfolio of your love-which you are expected to remember. You then go to a funeral for your love, where you are expected to make a speech about how if you met them they would have been perfect for you.

What happens when your running out of time: When your necklace turns red it is immediately turned into timer that counts down into a black necklace, which of course symbolizes that you are out of time. 

-----------------------N.U.M 2 is to be issued after necklace user has or has not found love-----------------------

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~*THIS IS NOT THE FULL MANUAL, JUST A SUMMARY

OMG! Not another story jk jk. This story is more of a gift to all of the readers who deal with me and my neglect toward my stories. Not to mention it is something I have been wanting to do for a while now. You don't have to worry about this one being incomplete for a year or so either. By the time you read this- hehe it sounds like I'm a time traveler- it is already done and I will be uploading it every Wednesday or Saturday, maybe both. Hopefully, by the time you get this miniature gift from me I would have stopped the neglect towards my other stories and upload at least bi-weekly. Heck hopefully I made a few chapters and even published them, but 1 step at a time. Anyway, let me not get ahead of myself. Enjoy your story!!!


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