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simons pov

beep, beep, beep

im awoken by my alarm clock, telling me that i have to wake up so im not late for school. i lay in my bed for a minute feeling lazy. after laying there i get up and start getting ready for the long day ahead of me.

i go downstairs and go to the kitchen and grab something to eat quick before i go to school.

i walk through the doors of my high school and inside and try to find my friends. on my journey through the crowded hallways i bump into someone.

"hey! watch where your goi-"

i look at the person who crashed into me and see its someone who ive never seen until now, its a male, shorter than me, he has black hair, brown eyes, and skin colour that represents the colour of caramel. he takes his eyes off the floor and looks at my face and he instantly starts to apologize.

"oh my god, i am so sorry! i wasnt looking where i was walking"

i chuckle and tell him its okay, after about a minute or so of looking at each other he reaches down and starts to pick up his things that splattered over the floor when we bumped into each other, i bend down also to help him pick up his stuff. when all his books and pencils are in his hands he looks at me, says thank you, and walks away. i turn and look at him as he starts to walk towards his class.

[time skip to lunch]

i get my lunch and look for a table ocuppied by my friends josh, jj, tobi, ethan, and harry.

"simon!" i hear someone shout

i turn my head towards the voice and see its jj, he waves his hand telling me to come over.

"hey dude"


we all engage in a conversation, from talking about how our days been to what teachers we do and dont like. eventually i silently slip out of the conversation and stare at the glop called school lunch. i poke at the food, and listening to my stomach, i pick up some of the glob of food onto my spoon and eat it and surprisingly its not that bad.

"so simon, hows your day been?" josh, who notices my lack of participation in the conversation, asks.

"its been good" i say, taking another bite of food.

"have your eyes on any girls yet?" i choke on my food at the sudden question. everyone starts to laugh and pretty soon i feel someone pat on my back and i look up and see josh, he looks at me with concern and asks if im okay, i nod he stops patting my back and just looks at me knowing that the question might have made me uncomfortable. josh is the only one who knows my secret, that i think im gay. he isnt actually supposed to know, he found out on accident.


jj was having a party while his parents were out of town for a few days. and of course, it being a high school party, someone had brought alcohol and there were few people who declined, and one of those people being josh, everyone else took a bottle alcohol and got drunk, including me.

a girl who was equally drunk as i was came to me and tried to sit on my lap but i pushed her off and she looked at me with confusion on her face.

"what are you? gay?"

"yeah maybe"

she looks at me with disgust plastered on her face and walks away.

"simon? are you actually gay?"


i turn around and see a completely sober josh looking at me. i run past him and try to move around people as i try to get out of the house, away from everyone. i hear josh calling my name but im already at the door and outside running into the empty streets.


i turn my head and see that josh is running right behind me. i turn again to run but josh grabs my arm in a death grip and makes me sit down on the sidewalk curb and makes me tell him my secret.

"i think im gay" after saying those words i immediately start to cry.

"stay here, im driving you home"

i nod and he walks toward the house thats filled with loud music to tell the others that we're leaving. he walks out of the house and towards me, helping me up and guide me to his car.

i collapse in the back seat of his car and cry silently to myself while i start to pass out.

-flashback over-

"uhh si? you kind of spaced out"

"um, uh yeah im fine, just thinking"

all the guys look at me wondering if they believe me or not. jj opens his mouth to speak but is quickly interrupted by the sound of the bell ringing.

thank god.

i silently stand up from my seat and walk towards my next class alone.

yea ik it sucks but who cares?

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