"What are you doing son?"

"Bobby, please come with me." Sam said, staring at the wheel. Bobby didn't really want to, but if he kept Sam from making a deal, he would just have to go.


They made a deep enough hole, and Sam slowly put Dean in the ground. They shoveled the dirt on top of him, as Sam started to cry quietly. But Bobby still heard him. Bobby walked over to Sam and out his hand on his shoulder. Sam looked up at Bobby, with pain in his eyes.

"What are we gonna do, Bobby?"

"We're going to leave here, and you're going to stay at my place. You're gonna try to forget this ok?"

Sam fell on his knees, and started to sob with his hands in his face. He looked at the new dirt that sat on top of where Dean now laid. "How Bobby? He's my brother, I can't leave him!" A tear fell down Bobby's face, but he whipped it away. He lifted Sam, and Sam just grabbed Bobby and cried in his shoulder. Bobby had never seen this side of Sam. He walked, with Sam still on his shoulder, towards the Impala. He put him in the passenger seat, and drove off.

Chapter 3: What Happened In Hell?

Dean sat on the rack, screaming for Sam. He knew he couldn't save him, but it helped him keep his mind off of being in Hell. Of course, that was before he heard someone call his name.

"Hello Dean. I don't think I've had the pleasure." The mysterious shadow called. It appeared out of the shadows, and Dean could tell this wasn't a helpless soul in Hell. It was a demon.

"What do you want, you son of a bitch?"

"Ah, ah, ah Dean, let me introduce myself. I am Alastair, your guide in Hell. I'm here to help you Dean, you just have to help me!"

"I'm not doing a god damn thing you tell me to do!" The demon cocked his head, and pulled out a knife.

"Are you sure Dean? Because it looks like you're the damsel in distress. You should be begging me for mercy!"

"Go right ahead, but you can stick it where the sun don't shine!"

"Pleasure." And Alastair began cutting, and cutting into Dean's flesh. Every day he did that, and every day Dean returned back to his normal state.

"Look Dean, I like you. You're a pretty laid back guy. We have all the same qualities!"

"Yeah sure, keep telling yourself that!"

"Oh Dean. What was that phrase you always told your little Sammy! 'Saving people, hunting things' what was the other half?" Dean refused to answer. "I think I remember now. 'The family business!' That's what you boys do; kill us to save the world. Torment us until you get what you want. Well Dean, looks like shoe's on the other foot!" Alastair began to cut into Dean, and Dean screamed for Sam as he did every single day.

Chapter 4: What's Going on With Sam?

Sam drank every day. He left Bobby, and pretty much fell from the face of the earth. Nobody heard from him. Not Ellen, or Jo, nobody. They all presumed, along with Dean, that he was dead. Bobby knew he was alive, but he didn't tell anyone that. He knew Sam needed his space, but he worried that if he gave him too much space, Sam would be giving up his soul.

Sam didn't care about how anyone felt about him, whether it was from how much a deadbeat he was or how psychotic and revengeful he was. He wanted Lilith's head on a plate. He wanted to see her gasp in pain at his hands. But what he wanted mostly was his brother back. He missed his brother's awful jokes, his pornographic mind. He missed his brother period. But if he couldn't get Dean back, he thought he might as well go onto the next best thing.

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