Chapter Two

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As Natsu handed the delicate plate over to Lucy, the plate had spiralled out of control as it was sent crashing downwards upon the floor. Natsu had released the plate too early for Lucy to grab on hold to it. The plate was shattered into a dozen fragments.

Natsu frantically hurried over to the corner of the kitchen and prepared to defend himself against the celestial mage. "eheh…" he chuckled "Well…DONT KILL ME LUCE!" he cried.

Slowly the aura that used to be all peaceful and calming had suddenly turned into hells gate. STOMP, STOMP, STOMP. Lucy began to click her knuckles.

"Kyaaaa! Technique 35, THE BITCH DROP!" Lucy yelled. Yes it was true, the celestial mage had learnt a couple of things from Lucy Ashley in Eldolas and heck, the tips given were really handy at times only, she didn't even knew that she had the strength inside of her to do that to Natsu.

Lucy looked at him and put both of her hands on her hips, she sighed 'that's what I get for letting Natsu stay for dinner.' She observed him and due to the misfortune of Natsu, his back was in a crooked position. Slowly he got up and crawled into the corner and went back into another defensive formation.

Lucy giggled quietly and bent her knees down to pick up the smashed plates upon the floor. "Ouch!" she cried, blood was flowing out of her fingertips. One of the small pieces of fragments from the shattered plates had cut Lucy's fingertips.

Natsu, worriedly dashed over to her while snatching one of her cut fingertips. He observed them as more crimson red blood was flowing out. "Lucy, you should really be more careful" he pouted.

Lucy nodded and mumbled quietly "stupid plate".

In an unexpected moment, Natsu yanked her hand out and put her fingertips in his mouth. She was surprised at Natsu being so passionate and responsible.

Lucy felt the pressure heat up, she felt Natsu's mouth sucking her smooth and lathered fingers. Slightly, the reptilian's tongue had been unravelled and enclosed itself upon Lucy's finger as it decided to wrap around it. His saliva was in contact with her blood as she felt she had been infused with him. The Celestial mage was blushing really hard, her face was the same colour as her blood; crimson red.

Lucy felt that she was going to faint anytime now, she wondered if it was because of a slight blood loss. Time was going slowly, it felt like it had been hours. She was gasping for more and more air.

"Lucy….you taste good" Natsu smirked still sucking her fingertips.

She was confused and looked at him momentarily, "Kyaaa! Screwdrive Elbow Crush!" Lucy's elbow was twisting so hard into Natsu's skull that it looked like Natsu head had a dent in it. She laughed.

"Are you trying to eat me Natsu!"

Natsu choked rubbing his side of his head and army dived into the corner again making his way into a defensive formation. The Salamander was actually shivering and begging for no more pain.

"Sorry Natsu, I was kinda shocked at the whole thing….anyway lets carry on washing" she half smiled.

Natsu crept up to the sink and still looked at Lucy's fingertips, he knew that Lucy was still feeling the pain. "No Lucy, you should go and rest and get that cut bandaged up, I'll do the remaining dishes, you can count on me!" he grinned giving a thumbs up.

Lucy was worried, no, really worried. 'Since when did Natsu get all responsible? And what?... him doing all the dishes will only lead to more disaster!' she thought to her self quickly. She imagined Natsu getting angry with washing the dishes and throwing them onto the floor or even worse yet, Natsu in dragon slayer mode burning all of her dishes and not only that, her kitchen would be burnt down to!. After, he would be mocking the dishes standing upon the pile with a victorious grin on his face.

Lucy was horrified. "NOOOOO" she snapped out of her daydream and there stood Natsu looking into her face.

"Lucy! are you alright? You seemed to have blanked out on me?"

"Heh well.." she started but was cut of by Natsu's deep voice.

"I know what you're thinking but trust me" yet giving another one of his trademark grins. He slowly put forth his hands on top of Lucy's shoulder.

Lucy blushed at the whole position they where at and nodded "Okay…but you better not break anymore dishes!" and made her way towards her living room.

'I can't keep promises Luce!' was the last thing she heard.

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