Chapter 1

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Hallie POV

"I'll see you Monday Hallie, take care!"

"You to Reilly!" I shouted to her as she leaves to go home.

'Another day over and another day starting' I thought to myself as I lock up the shop.

Hello, I'm Hallie. Well lets just start with my life, I'm sure your a bit curious to know all my problems?

Lets start with me shall we? You obviously know my name, I'd say I'm neither fat nor skinny. I'm proud of my figure it took me a while to get this. My skin is kinda pale, not that I look like a ghost or anything. I have pink hair, don't judge! It comes to just below my shoulders, it's gets darker as it gets to the ends of my hair. I'm a natural blonde, but i figured i needed some excitement in my life. I love it. I don't like my eyes, they are just a dull dark brown and to big for my face, my mum says that they are unique and different, I just don't see it..

I stay with my mum in a nice cozy apartment, not a house because we can't afford it but we don't care, as long as we have roof over our heads we are just fine on our own. My dad left when I was younger, I don't really care about him either. I don't remember him. I don't know him. So I have no concern with him. I can tell it affected my mother drastically. For years she was depressed but for the past few years she has been getting better and trying to move on. I'm happy for her.

I don't have any friends. The closest person I have to a friend is Reilly. She's 4 years older than me and so crazy for her age, but I love her anyways. I work with Reilly in a clothes shop round the corner from my school, which is a good thing so I can just walk there afterwards. I also love working there because the pay is good and helps my mum alot, and I get free clothes! It's all my style so You don't see me complaining!

My school life is... Not so great. As you already know I have no friends, because of a certain curly haired boy that likes to make my life a living hell. His name is Harry... Harry Styles.

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