--old memories--

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I woke up in the bed that I slept in,at the foster home. I got dressed and when I begin to go out side for another calm and quiet day, I heard someone call my name.
" Angus!Angus!" It was Sarah the only worker at the foster home that feared nothing and said I was her friend.
"Angus!" She begin to catch her breath when she reached me." I got some news for you." She said making some of the kids stare at me.
"What news?" I asked her not even really caring.
"Your old house, they said you can get what ever you want out of their, till tomorrow evening."
"Why?"I asked, I haven't been their for three years, I didn't want to, it will bring back memories of those happy days that bring tears to my eye's.
"Well, their tearing it down to build new homes and to get money." It brought shock to me when she said "tearing it down."
"You want to go their and get some of your stuff before tomorrow evening?" I could go, in the future there will be no time for me to think anyways, so why not now. "Sure."
"Tell me when you are ready I'll drive you their."
"I'm ready now" I said quickly. So we both got in her car and she drove to the old house. I wanted to cry, the car reminded me of some poeple finding my weakened body in the middle of the road, and the car miles away, without my mother and fathers body any where to be found, not a single bone, just blood that led where my parents got shot at. It was silence when Sarah was driving me to the old house. When she pulled up to the house I looked how much it all change. It was still big as usual and now had vains growing on it. "Take as long as you want in here" Sarah said as I just nob my head. I get the spare key out of a small box, kept in grass behind some flowers. I open the door, memories filled my head as I seen the large living room on the right of where I stood and on the left was the kitchen and dining room. In front of me was a long, white colored stares. As I climbed them, there was the long hallway I used to run up and down so many times. Their were about six doors in this hallway. I decided to go to the three on the left first. I opened a door and notice it was my room, everything was still in it, my posters on the wall, books on the shelf, bed made, now dust on it. In my dresser was my folded clothes my mom did. I grabbed me my suit case that I used only when I went with my parents for a family trip. I begin to pack some of my favorite clothes, some books, and my old bear I got when I was little and never threw away. The other room I went in was my dads office it was big and filled with all sorts of papers. I went to his desk and seen our photo with the whole family in it, and a key by it. I put the photo in my suitcase and grabbed the key. One of the drawer's where locked so I unlocked it with the key. This drawer was fulled with papers and writing supplies too. Without thinking I put them in my suitcase. The last door on the left was empty, so I went to the one on the side of the hallway. My Moms office, hers was looking like the same, paper scaddered everywhere. Sitting in her seat was comfortable. When I opened one of her desk I took out all her papers, I was going to read them but I seen an string at the bottom of the drawer. Pulling the string made the bottom come off, an papers filled the second bottom. Putting the papers in my suit case, I went to the last door the other was empty. My parents room was the last one. Their bed was made, a dusty. Their were clothes still in their drawers and shoes and more clothes in the closet. The closet also had their jewelry all neatly lead. I only put the necklace my mom wore all the time, in my suit case. The day she took it of was the day I lost her, the necklace had an beep sea blue diamond in it with gold around it, it was a precious peice to her, I couldn't take it anymore, I started to let out my tears. When I'm done, I get out of the house and go where Sarah is waiting for me. She puts the suitcase In the back and we drove off. The sun shined so beautiful and the clouds seem too not move at all, as I sat their at my favorite place in the woods. So Peaceful, that I fell a sleep. I'm glad I was here at this place, felt much better than where I now lived.
"Hello there!" I heard someone yell to me. Oh man it might be Sarah. I open my eye's, waking up from my sleep. It wasn't sarah , I never seen this person before. He had short, black hair, and tall too.
"Hello, who are you?" He asked sitting next to me. I don't think he knows who I am.
"I'm Angus" I answered to him.
"Cool I'm connell which means friendship, you want to know what yours mean?" He asked staring at me with his black eyes.
"Sure"I said unsure.
"It means your a strong and unique person" he answered. unique I'm not unique.
"How did you find this place?" i ask changing the subject.
"I'm moving here with my parents so I wented to check some things out. How did you find this place?" He stared at me again when he asked the question.
"I live at the foster home, this is my favorite place to go for peace."
" where's your parents?"
Yep, he definitely didn't know me, wow the only one.
"There died" connell looked away from me.
"Sorry for your lost"
"I should be going now, bye"I say leaving, that probably was going to be the last time I see him.
"Hey" connell yelled to me. I turned around seeing him turn standing up.
" I want to be your friend, can we be friends?"he asked. Friends.
"Are you saying this only because your afraid of being alone or you are willing to being friends with someone you don't even know?" I asked him. "Both. I don't want to be alone ever, its painful , and I do know you, your stonge and unique and your name is Angus." He replied. I could even say anything. "Till we meet again,connell."I said then ran off. I'm stupid, that wasn't an answers.

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