The Ring On Her Finger

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After I put the ring on Mai's finger the common room filled with all the others voices. Mai paled and looked at the door. I smirk slightly.

"You should go greet them." I told as I pushed her to the door. She left as Naru was telling the others that there was a case. I gathered my laptop and headed to the common area. I heard a scream as I opened the door.

"Mai, who is the lucky man! And how come I haven't meet him yet!" Ayako and Monk yelled at the same time.

"Umm. What are you talking about?" Mai asked as I sat down on one of the sofas.

"I mean the ring on your finger. Are you really getting married? Who to?" Asked a hysterical Ayako.

"Where is he? He and I need to have a talk about asking for your hand before meeting us." Monk's fatherly mode coming on. Naru didn't look it but he was interested as well.

"But Monk you have both already meet. And your not going to hurt him right? Ayako please calm down we all know that I was going to get married eventually." Mai tried to contain the two. Masako looked giddy with happiness. John was congratulating her on finding a soul mate.

"What do you mean We've meet him? I don't remember bring a boy here and introducing him as your boyfriend." Monk said with a thoughtful look on his face. Mai had a looked like she was about to have a panic attack, so I decided to step in.

"I'm sure we've meet, Monk." I state and the room goes silent. I just keep typing away at my notes for the case. I look up to see everyone starring at me, even Mai.

"What?" Ayako and monk yelled. I glare slightly at them.

"I said that we've meet. Although, I never did introduce myself as Mai's boyfriend. We thought it would be better if we kept it professional at work." I had to force my smirk not to show on my face. Mai came over to me and sat down next to me. I took the minute to look at the girl I actually loved. Then got back to work. But not before I put one arm around her. 

"So when did this happen?" Asked Yasu.

"I started to like Koujo a little before the case at John's church." Mai started.

"I realized I loved Mai during the Bloodstained Labyrinth case. We started to go out after that." I finish for her. By this time everyone was sitting down. That reminded me.

"I forgot, When do you want to get married Mai?" I turn to Mai as I said this. She was thinking about what I asked.

"Maybe this weekend sometime. I mean we are needed here and we really don't need a honeymoon, do we?" She stated. I smiled down at her and the room gasped.

"No I don't think so.  I'll be fine with this weekend if you can get a dress by then." I couldn't sit still. That is how excited about this. I really am in love with her. I just hope she doesn't hate me while we are in this marriage.

The girls started to drag Mai away to go find her a dress and the guys were clapping me on the shoulder. Naru stayed silent the whole time so I was a little scared if he was planing my death or his own.

"Naru?" He looked at me and had a slight frown on his face.

"Lin I'm disappointed that you didn't tell me of this." I was taken aback.

"I'm sorry. We didn't think any of you would approve." I said back with a saddened tone. Naru clapped me on the shoulder as he left for his office door.

"I'm happy for you Lin." He then disappeared into the cave he calls an office.

From evilhuntress,

Sorry for not updating. Ether way, please leave a comment. Have a great day all the peoples!

I do not own Ghost Hunt.

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