Authors Note

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Sorry about not updating. It's stupid but a guy I just got with broke up with me after two or three days and I spent most of my time talking to him. The day he broke up with me I was ganna write but then he told me he was leaving me for another woman. And the while two or three days he said he loved me. It didn't make it better that I sent him dirty pictures of me because he asked. And I've been sad because of it :(. But I'm over it now and I'll post the next update sometime today or tomorrow.
Bye bye for now my pretties,

Okay this is an add on to this authors note the next update might not be tomorrow my Father has been hitting my two sisters and my baby brother with a wooden stick and DFS and IIS has been at my home and I haven't had time to update.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 28, 2015 ⏰

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