chapter 2 worry

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Ohio 1857

After cooking a simple dinner of rabbit stew and parched corn she and her three year old son sat down to eat joining hands she thanked GOD for their food and they ate she looked in the small wooden crib at her three month old son Joseph who was sound asleep after being nursed a hour before she was worried knowing Charles from the bank told her the day before they had only three more months to come up with the money to pay off their farm are the bank would take it and sale it she sipped her cold milk which shed milked from her cow Betty that morning she had been looking for work but so far had no luck done mommy her son said okay sweetpea she said she wet a ran with warm water which shed heated and cleaned his face and hands he went to play with his few toys his dad had made him and she quickly cleaned the kitchen bedtime honey she told him okay mommy he said she helped him into his pajamas shed made him and tucked him into bed with his teddy bear she kissed him and said love you baby love you mama he said before closing his eyes she pushed her son still sleep in his crib into their room next to her bed she put on her gown and knelt  down to pray dear LORD she started thank you for waking up both me and my kids this morning for providing us with food and protecting us from harm please LORD i pray in the precious name of your SON JESUS you will provide a way for me and my children to make it i lay it all at your feet trusting always in you will AMEN.

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