The future of Pacify Her

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Edited: December 20th 2015

Hi beautiful people!

I want to start by saying thank you so much for taking time to read this really messy story. It's a story I'm quite passionate about and I want it to be as good as possible. Any feedback is welcomed with open arms. Just be constructive.

Lately this story has been sort of abandoned. I apologise about this. To get more time I have decided to start updating this story bi-weekly. It's already finished, but I think I want to start editing the story. The parts I'm uploading to Wattpad won't be heavily edited, but I will try to find any spelling errors and stuff like that. 

This story took more out of me than I thought it would. When I write I have my heart on my sleeve, so I might need to edit some things out, just to protect my fragile heart. That probably doesn't make any sense, but it does to me. Anyway, that's not an excuse for taking forever. Or maybe it is, who knows. 

To anyone who has sent me messages regarding this story: I will be answering pretty soon. Just bear with me. I'm like a sloth. 

-Stay Suspicious

Pacify Her - #NaNoWriMo2015Where stories live. Discover now