Alright! Enough of your distracting perverse thoughts! We're supposed to be fighting him not wanting to tip his clothes off!!

They complained but agreed to hold off until after training

"Alright, babe let's see how well you fly." I called out to him beckoning him up into the sky with me.

He nodded and slowly began to flap his wings. I watched as he struggled for a few moments before deciding to help him. I flew to look him in his eyes. I kept his eyes on me cupping his cheeks. I smiled after a minute confusing him.


"Look down." He did shock crossing his face as he realized he was flying.

We were already above the trees and could see our packhouse and everyone from here. As the wind blew I caught a scent in it. A scent of blood.

Not just any blood vampire blood. Empress hummed.

Without thinking I flew off in the direction of the blood. The scent came from a young vampire boy leaning against the tree in the Stone pack territory, obviously wounded. Members of the Stone pack surrounded the boy snapping and growling at him. They were about ready to attack when I landed stopping them.

"Enough! Leave him be!" They growled and snapped at me expecting me to bow. I did not. "I said...Leave him be." I growled showing my power to them.

They back up bowing in submission at the sound of my voice.

"Shift." This time they listened running behind a tree to shift into their human forms.

When they were preparing themselves I turned to face the boy who kept staring at me in wonder. I approached him cautiously showing I was no threat to him. I moved his hand from his wound healing him.

"Thank you." He breathed still in a hit of shock.

"Of course. My name's Jade, What's yours?"

"Adrien. Vampire prince." I nodded.

"How did you get hurt?"

"These, things...attacked out of nowhere and I lead them away from my people. I got hit with silver by one though." He sighed I flinched

"I could imagine the pain."

"You can?"


The boys from before finally came out. The one that radiated most of the power stepped forward.

"What are you doing on my territory?" He narrowed his eyes at me.

" I was flying around when I saw that you were going to attack him instead of help-"

"So what if we attack him? He's a low life vampire!" He interrupted me instantly irritating me.

"If you had killed him you'd have started something you won't be able to finish!"


"Like a war all because you were dumb enough to kill their soon to be king!" I snarled.

"And?" He smirked seeming proud of his answer.

Done with his bullshit I stalked up to him smiling kindly at him before I punched him dead center in his face, kneed him in his stomach then kicked him off his feet. I looked

"Yeah so?" He smirked.

I snapped. I walked up to him and punched him in the face before kneeing him in the stomach and kicking him off his feet. I glared down at him

"You'd have died. That's what." He growled got up and shifted snapping at me.

He ran towards me and I knocked him into a tree not bothering to use all my strength.

"You won't be able to win a fight against me. If you lose your alpha title goes to me you know that right?" He growled. "Then, I accept your challenge."

I kicked off my shoes and shifted. Gasps were heard from the Stone pack members. Their alpha was scared but worked up his courage and ran to attack me. The fight didn't even last five minutes. I had the alpha under my paw and he submitted after two minutes of struggling. I let him go and shifted back, fully clothed.


He obeyed, shifting behind a tree, and came back out with a defeated expression on his face.

"Since I know I knocked enough sense into your brain you get to keep your alpha title." He looked up at me in shock.

"W, What?!" I nodded

"You've learned your lesson is to not treat people no matter who or what they are bad, you can end up in a sticky situation." He nodded

"Thank you." I nodded at him smiling

"Will you tell me your name?"

"My name's Brent." I've heard that name before, but isn't Brent an older alpha?

"How old are you?"

"I've been 19 for a hundred years."

"Damn" I stared "You're old!" He chuckled nodding.

"You can say that princess. As thanks for forgiving me, I'll fight alongside you." I raised an eyebrow at him

"You knew?" He nodded giving me a sheepish smile

"Your eyes said it all after you fought me. And so Ben." I knew from his look that Ben was his wolf.

"Then you should come over by my pack and start training." He nodded.

"We will, princess."

"Name's Jade by the way." He smiled bowing to me one last time before leaving.

"I shall also help you fight," Adrien said speaking up.

"Thanks, prince charming but right now you need rest. Come on." I pulled him to me leaning his weight on me before I took off flying us back home.

As I landed I caught a similar scent and it seems that Adrien did as well. I set him down, and we both followed the scent to the person emitting it. Upon seeing them I ran over smiling happily.

"Emily!!!" She spun to face me at the sound of her name.

"Jade!!!" She yelled back running to meet me halfway and we tackled each other in a hug.


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