Him and his hazel eyes

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    I got my directions to my first class and started my walk across campus. I quickly picked up the ways of the school,  its so......... how do I put this in words......... dynamic. Everything goes so smoothly. People stay in their own groups and don't seem to mix. I like how it goes, but now I need to find where I belong.

     I walked into my first class, advanced Pre cal. I've always been advanced in math but I've never really enjoyed it, so here's to a long hour of class. As soon as I walked into the class I could feel all eyes immediately on me, great new school, new kid, we are back to kinder as if i was like the shinny new toy. I messed with my hair and walked with a jolt to the teachers desk. He told me to take the last seat in the back next to..........Anthony?!?! How am i going to know who that is, but i just figured it was the last seat empty so I turned around to head to the back. As soon as I turned around I saw beautiful hazel eyes staring at me from the back of the room. I realized they belonged to the boy from earlier.

     Jeez I thought he was cute but not that cute. He is seriously messing with my brain. I realized I had stopped in the middle of the class so I shrugged it off and headed toward my seat. Conveniently my seat was right there planted next to.............Anthony? For the first 5-10 minutes it was quiet until he finally spoke up, in a low charming voice.

"hey, I'm Anthony " he extended his hand for me to shake

I took his hand in mine " I'm Adeline"

I forgot to let go of his hand until I let go and quickly and shook it off.

" So your new here huh." he whispered quietly, with a charm that drove me crazy

"Um...... yes" why was I getting so nervous just talking to him.

"Oh really" he replied with playful sarcasm

      He was so damn cute he was hot,  but I knew if I was going to start my new school here I should lose all distractions.  I'm a changed person this year and there is no room for boys.

     I broke eye contact with him in time to copy what the teacher had up on the board. Something to complicated to process right now that my mind was in another place that was much better than a math class. I got lost and stopped paying attention to the world around me.

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⏰ Last updated: May 28, 2016 ⏰

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