Chapter 2

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Amanda's P.O.V
I woke up to my alarm clock, shuffling my music. I got up and then grabbed some clothes so I could get in the shower. After I got out of the shower, I did my makeup. I grabbed my sneakers, put them on and then went downstairs. I like to go for walks in the morning. I went outside and started to walk around the street. Just then as I was at the end of the street I heard someone behind me. It was Hunter, he was walking too. I don't think he noticed me so I kept walking.
Hunter's P.O.V
I was walking behind Amanda. I don't know if she knew it was me or not. I don't think that she noticed that I was looking up to her. I took a short cut so I could get closer to her. I was looking at my phone when I bumped into someone, it was my ex, Miranda. She ended up cheating on me with my old best friend, Sam. "Oh, sorry." I said. She giggled like it was funny or something. Then she said," Hunter, you are the most generous person I have ever met!" Whoa, did she change or is she playing me. When I turned to look at Amanda, she was staring at me and Miranda. She looked some what upset. When she saw me looking at her, she turned away and started running. I don't know why but I felt bad for Amanda. Then Miranda started taking to me and I just said," Well I got to go getting home!" She waved, I ran off and went into my house.
Amanda's P.O.V
       When I saw Hunter talking to that girl I whispered to myself," I'll never have a chance." Then I turned around again, they were both gone. They must have run off together. I don't know what it was, but I felt a little jealous. I always wanted to meet him and be his girlfriend. I didn't know what to think or what to do. I walked the rest of the way and then walked home. The girls in my neighborhood didn't like me, you could tell. They give me dirty looks and shake there heads at me. When I walked in, I saw a police officer. I went over the police officer and he said," Is your name Amanda Reed?" I said," Yes?" Well I would like to inform you that your mother is in the hospital, another car smashed into her and we think she may be out for a while. I shouted," WHAT!" The policeman drove me to the hospital. I went up and the front desk, told them my mom first and last name, then lastly I ran to the room. I didn't want anything to happen to my family. I ran into the hospital room and asked my mom quickly," Are you okay?" She didn't respond, I think she was in coma or something. I started crying, I left the room and got a ride home. When I got home, Hunter was outside. He must of saw me crying because he came rushing over to my house. He asked me," Amanda what's wrong?" I said," It's my mom.... She's in the hospital!" Hunter grabbed me and put me into a tight hug.
Hunter's P.O.V
When I saw Amanda crying, I had to go see what happened. When she told me what happened, I grabbed her and pulled her into a tight hug. I felt so bad for her and I really wanted to comfort her. I said," Here lets go into your house and sit on the couch. We can watch some movies." She nodded her head. I put in a scary movie, Amanda was really scared, she kept grabbing onto me. Later the movie was over and she leaned her head on my shoulder and fell asleep, then later I fell asleep.


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