Selling My Soul to His Royal Nerdiness.

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Oh! I should have done this earlier, I know, it just completely slipped my mind. THIS IS THE SEQUEL TO SELLING MY SOUL FOR HIS ASTON MARTIN! IF YOU HAVE NOT READ IT YET YOU DON'T HAVE TO BUT WARNING: THIS CONTAINS MAJOR SPOILERS!! LIKE, REALLY MAJOR SPOILERS! This first book is pretty awesome so if you want to, you can check it out :)

Okay, finished!


Annabel Taylor

I suppose that I deserved this.

The sky outside grumbled in agreement, followed by a sharp crack of lightning that rattled me to my bones. The entire car was illuminated, casting a blue hue over the raindrops on the windshield.

I leaned back against the leather seat and sighed. Someone up there was probably hysterical. 

It was supposed to be a quick run--about a half an hour, if you were speeding. The fact that my mom had hidden the keys to all of the cars was no problem; I hot wired an old Corvette that she forgot to lock. 

The plan was fool-proof. Mom was working late at the garage, Chance was at some party, and my little sister, Kolbie, was babysitting. No one would notice the car missing, and I'd be in and out.

Of course there was no gas. Of course I hadn't bothered to check before speeding and pushing the car to it's limit. Of course I'd forgotten my cell phone in my rush to get out of the house.

I huffed and opened the door, flipping the hood of my jacket over my head. Rain drops flew into the car, pushed by the wind, as I stepped onto the concrete.

I shut the door behind me and stomped toward the back, rolling up my sleeves to push the car a little farther onto the side of the road. I silently thanked God that I wasn't on much of a hill.

It only took a few good shoves on my part to make sure that the car was out of the way of any idiot that might come speeding down the road. Because some parts of Alabama didn't have any street signs, most people took that as an invitation to speed. (I was one of the people, but oh well.)

Once finished, I locked the doors. The rain had soaked through my jacket now. The warm water trickled down my face. I bunched my hair back so that it wouldn't get into my eyes and began the long walk to the house. 

The rain gradually slowed as I climbed the final hill, my hands on my knees. I walked through the fence. The crickets softly chirped, while the the horses, Yin and Yang, nickered in the stables.

I couldn't understand anyone wanting to live in the city. Even soaked and dreading what my mom would do when I got home, I could appreciate the huge, endless dark blue sky, the clarity of the stars twinkling down at me. When we were little, my family used to go camping underneath the stars and roast marshmallows. My dad would put an arm around my mom and she'd accept it, rolling her eyes, and tell us stories about their travels.

Brought back to reality by a furious shiver that ran through my body, I considered my options. My window was probably locked, since my sister was paranoid about an ax murderer coming out here and killing us all. Which was not entirely irrational, considering the fact that the nearest neighbor was nearly five miles away. No one would hear us scream. 

Still, my mom was a little insane (and trigger happy--she practiced with her rifle every other day) so if that day that came, I'm pretty sure that we'd be fine.

The side door definitely wasn't an option. There was an, er, incident with Chance's best friend(he shattered the glass with a stray football and my mom was taking her sweet time in getting it repaired).  The back door was most likely locked.

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