Zoey had answered, "All the annual reports are already here in your office here. Where do you want me to put the annual reports for Air Filipinas? Shall it be here in your office table? Or would you like to study them by the sitting area or by the conference table?"

He was impressed, "Put them by the sitting area. I also want soft copies of those files in my company laptop."

Her quick answer was, "I already saved them on your company laptop, sir. They are organized by company, by year, and by departments."

He couldn't help but praise her, "You're really efficient just as Dad said. I was informed that Dad's management staff will also be my staff. But since you are the trainee assigned to me, I want you to be my personal assistant. You have to accompany me at every meeting I required you to be and take down notes for me. I have my own personal butler/driver/body guard who does personal stuff for me. I will introduce you to him within the day coz he'll be with us most of the times. I would also like you to keep a record of my daily schedule and remind me of them from time to time."

"Yes, sir."

"Okay, you may now start arranging the files at the sitting area. Afterwards, go to Dad's office and ask them for my schedule. I was informed by Dad that my schedule is full this entire summer."

James had been so much impressed with Zoey's work performance the entire summer so he immediately hired her to be his official personal assistant immediately after her OJT period. She started as his PA in June 1, 2009. Despite being enrolled with the last two remaining semesters, Zoey had still managed to perform all the tasks James had assigned to her.

March 26, 2010. Zoey graduated as Summa Cum Laude for her degree in business management and accountancy at UF – Vienburg.

James promoted her as his executive assistant and required her to take the online MBA and DBA programs of Athenaeum de Missi University. Along with her tasks at the corporation as his executive assistant, he also required her to take extra classes on foreign language and self-defense

By the time James had assumed the CEO-President position in January 2, 2014, Zoey had been promoted as the chief of his management staff. Zoey also had finished her MBA and DBA degrees. Aside from Filipino and English, she also could fluently speak and write in eight other foreign languages: French, German, Italian, Chinese, Japanese, Korean, Urdu and Hebrew.

Working with James also meant updated gadgets as well as expensive wardrobe along with the generous benefits each of the employees of JI Pinnacle Corporation was entitled with.

As a scholar of JI Pinnacle Foundation, Zoey was required to payback by working for five consecutive years at the company. After such, staying or leaving would all be up to her.

JI Pinnacle Corporation. JI Pinnacle Building. Office of the CEO-President. Top Floor. April 4, 2014.

James was busy browsing some financial reports when Zoey entered his office. She punctually informed him, "James, your mother called. She wanted to remind you of dinner at 7 PM at the mansion."

James looked up at his ever efficient chief-of-staff. "Yes, I almost forgot about it. So, have you readied all the files we need for our weeklong business trip in Paris?"

Zoey perfunctorily answered, "Yes. I already arranged the hard copies on your briefcase while the soft copies were all saved in both our Mac Books and i-Pads."

James replied, "Good! Juan will be driving for me so your last task is to go to my penthouse and supervise the packing of my suitcase. As usual, the assigned chambermaid will assist you. Bring along the briefcase, laptop and tablet as well and leave them at my office at the penthouse. I need to have a last look on them tonight. That's all for today, you may leave now."

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