Raggedy Man, Goodnight

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AN: This is a letter from me to the 11th Doctor just so you know. So yeah. ENJOY! ^-^

WARNING. IT CAN GET REPETITIVE. (Hey I'm not that good of a writer.)


Dear Eleven, I know we haven't gotten along. I was just starting to like you. (Not really. I liked him from the start.) And now you're leaving. I remember your adventures with Amy and Rory. I remember you marrying River. I remember you seeing young Amelia Pond's face after you regenerated. I remember Prisoner Zero. I remember you with Clara, the Impossible Girl. I remember you going to Trenzalore. I remember all of your Geronimos. I remember seeing the Tardis change. I remember your jokes and horrible (in a good way) puns. I remember going to the Dalek Asylum and Manhattan, where you lost Amy and Rory. I also remember fish sticks and custard. You made bowties and fezzes cool. Before you leave, I have one thing to say. Goodbye, my Raggedy Man.

A Whovian,

Christine :)

P.S: Geronimo!

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