"Nope," Karlie laughs.

"You're so..." Taylor trails off, rolling her eyes as she struggles to come up with the word for what exactly Karlie is this time. It's during this time that Taylor realizes just how much she's come to love going to the gym with Karlie.


Karlie walks along the sidewalk, expertly cruising past slower paced tourists walking through West Village, as she makes her way to Taylor's apartment. She took a shower when she arrived home and had gotten changed, and then even began stacking and sorting through the possessions in her apartment. Taylor wanted to have an estimate for how many boxes Karlie thought she would need to make the move.

"I want to get you in here before things get really crazy with my schedule," Taylor had said. "Maybe tonight after the radio people leave we can go to your place and start sorting things."

"Okay," Karlie replied with an exhilarated smile, quickly kissing Taylor's cheek before jumping out of the SUV as it parked in front of her flower-covered apartment building gate. "I'll be over in a bit to help you."

And now Karlie speed walks down the concrete sidewalks of the city, that exhilarated smile not leaving her face once since getting out of Taylor's car. She accidentally bumps shoulders with a few people, and she quickly mumbles sorry as she walks past, as she distractedly keeps her head down focused on her phone.

She's refreshing the Instagram app, knowing that any second now Taylor should be posting a video hinting at the start of a new era. She said she was going to do it when she talked to Tree more about her schedule. Suddenly, Taylor's elevator video appears on her feed, and she likes it without hesitation, wanting to be the first one to like it for her own satisfaction.

"What the hell," Karlie says in surprise, seeing that she is not the first one to like it, but rather one of the first thousand to like it. Her fans are fast.

Karlie stops in her tracks, realizing she is walking past a Lord and Taylor store. I should get her a gift for the big day. Karlie goes inside, feeling more in love than ever as she walks past the home goods section, wondering if her and Taylor will ever find themselves in here picking out appliances together some time soon.


"As quick as it is, I'd like to get her in here within the next week, just because I know my life is about to get really crazy," Taylor says, staring at the screen as she speaks with her childhood friend, Brittany Maack. She walks around her apartment, occasionally wordlessly pointing to something when making eye contact with Tree, who either removes it or dusts it accordingly.

Taylor felt bad, but the second Tree arrived Brittany had inconveniently called for their routine extensive and lengthy phone call that they had every few weeks. Taylor took the chance as an opportunity to finally tell Brittany all about her and Karlie, a quick run through from start to finish, after, of course, switching to FaceTime to be able to visually see Brittany's reaction. It had Taylor throwing back her head in laughter for minutes at a time, but maybe that was mostly the effect of just being in love.

"How much stuff are you moving into your place?" Brit asks.

Taylor's happy that she hasn't given much of her own opinion about Karlie moving in with her. She knows it's fast, anyone can see that, but no one besides her and Karlie understand what they feel for each other and how right it was. "That's a good question, Brit, we haven't even talked about what Karlie is going to do with the lease on her apartment yet or utilities— Oh!" Taylor says suddenly, hearing her apartment door open and close. Olivia races past her ankles and quickly leaves the room, a sure sign, Taylor has learned, that Karlie has arrived. "Kar?" Taylor calls out.

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