Episode Two

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Chapter 2

The offices of Hogan Yukor on the planet of Shaddai were somewhere between

extremely impressive and a hole in the wall. Though it was on the top floor of a three

hundred-story high rise, the room was oddly dark and shadowed. The beams of sulight

danced off the plentiful particals of dust, before hitting the pristinely well-kept

bookshelves, lined with all the classics.

Dillon sneezed as the trio entered, earning a disappointed look from both his partners,

who were trying to be threatening.

"Sorry!" he said. "You know how xololts do when it's dry!"

"I'm sorry about the dust." Hogan said from a shadowed spot behind a threatening desk.

"I just moved offices. Back so soon, hunters? Did you find the map sphere?"

"Yes, that's what we're here about." Misty said, glaring into the shadow. "We found it,

but then someone stole it from us. We need you to track them down."

"Stole it, did they?" Hogan leaned forward, placing his three-fingered hands in view.

"Well, we certainly can't have that."

"No word games." Kody ordered threateningly. "How much do you want?"

"See, Dillon." Hogan said. "These two ladies know how to be threatening. You should try

it sometime, it doesn't require a large build."

"I'm a man!" Kody said, grabbing Hogan by the neck and pulling him into the light.

"Of course," Hogan said, grabbing at his neck, "A large build can help.."

Hogan was a runitar, middle aged, with a noticeable love of food. His nose-plate bore

several scars of his earlier work for several notable crime lords. He was dressed in a

plain business suit, equipped with a hip holstered pistol, which he was now reaching for.

"Sorry!" Hogan said, trying to appease Kody. "I forgot you were sensitive about your


Kody snarled at him. "Track the theives for us and I might let you live!"

"No need for threats, but.." Hogan pulled his gun and pointed it at Kody's eye. "Put me

down, or I put you down."

"Oh, that would be such a good, threatening line," Dillon said, twirling a small object

between his fingers, "If you had a clip."

"What the?!" Hogan looked at the bottom of his gun, and sure enough, there was no


Kody smiled, and threw him back into his chair.

"Find them!" Misty commanded. "They were in a small ship called the Heir. We need to

know where they're going."

"Fine! Fine!" Hogan said. "Give me a few minutes while I look around."

The older man typed furiously as Kody stood over him even more furiously. Meanwhile,

Misty and Dillon explored the office. Misty wiped the dust from the window and looked

out over the city below.

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