Chapter 2

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Jaime's POV:

I'm in love with Victor Fuentes and I want to be with him, but the problem was did he want to be with me or was it just something he does when he's drunk? "Jaime?" Asked a familiar voice. I pushed myself away from Vic and turned to the direction of the voice. It was Mike, Tony and the whole All Time Low group. They just stood there in shock with they're eyes wide open from what they just saw. "Jaime? What were you and Vic doing?" Asked Mike still in shock. I didn't know what to say...I was speckless. "He kissed me," I said scratching the back of my neck nervously. Vic suddenly drunkenly put his arm around me and yelled out "I love this guy!" and then past out on me. I had him put one arm over my shoulder so he wouldn't fall to the ground. I dragged him to Tony and Mike. "I'm going to put him to sleep in the van. We can talk about this later," I said before I started walking away to go to the van. Then Alex and Jack stopped me. "I knew you guys had a thing for each! It's cool if you do, I mean look at me and Jack. A perfect happy, loving couple," said Alex. "Look I'll text you guys later about what happened ok," I said quickly trying to drag Vic as fast as I can to the van before anyone else would start asking me questions. I unlocked the door and dragged Vic to his bunk and laid him down. I slowly slipped off his shoes and placed them on the ground next to his bunk. I pulled the covers and slid him inside and tucked him in. Before I got up I gave him a good night kiss on his cheek and whispered "I love you Vic. Sweet dreams, don't let the bed bugs bite," I then walked over to my bunk and slipped off my shoes, pants, and my shirt. Once I was right about to get into bed I heard Vic. "Jaime?" He asked. "Yea?" I answered back. "Can you please sleep with me? I'm scared that the monsters under the van will get me," He said while he was looking into my eyes. How could I say no to those beautiful hazel brown eyes of his. "Sure," I said with a little chuckle. I walked over to his bunk and went under the covers with him and put my arm around him. He felt so warm against my bare chest. He then turned around and looked me in the eye and put his arm around me and pulled me closer to him. "I love you too, sweet dreams, don't let the monsters bite," he whispered to me. He actually heard what I said earlier when I put him in bed. He closed his eyes and kissed me one last time before he went to bed. His lips were so soft and warm. He then pulled away and buried himself into my bare chest. This was a dream come true, I always wanted to be with Vic and now I basically am. It felt like he was all mine, but really he wasn't...he still couldn't get over Amber. Was he using me to get his mind off her? They were together for a long time and all this time she was cheating on him with some other guy. i hope he isn't using me. I always liked him, I just never told anybody about it. Goodnight Vic, I love you...I will wait however long it takes to be with you, because I love you way more then you think...I would kill myself for you. Your the person that holds the key to my heart... Your the only thing that's keeping me alive.

A Vic Fuentes and Jaime Preciado love storyTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang