Part 2 : The First Meeting

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Markiplier x Matthias

LWR (Listen While Reading) Song : Maybe I Love You by Lenka

Third Person P.O.V

It seemed to take forever for Thursday to come. Both Mark and Matt were super excited, and counting down the days until they would finally meet in person. But, they were also both nervous about what would happen when they met for the first time............

Matt's P.O.V

It was Thursday morning, and I was sitting at the breakfast table with Amanda, eating some cereal. I yawned. I had gotten up early this morning so I could get myself and the house ready for Mark's arrival. "Why were you up so early, Matt? Is something bothering you?" Amanda walked over, and ran her hands through my staticky hair. Concern was evident in her hazel gaze as she looked down at me. I felt tingles run through my body at her touch. 'I'm lucky to have such a great girlfriend.' I thought to myself. "I have someone coming over today to do a challenge. I wanted to make sure the house was clean." I sighed tiredly, putting another spoonful of cereal into my mouth. Amanda laughed. "Wow, Matt! It's nice of you to help out for a change! You usually don't do stuff like that...." She trailed off, looking concerned again. "Actually, I was wondering if you could film for us? We are going to be doing a Disney song challenge;I'm sure I've mentioned it before; and we need some movies. I was hoping you'd do that too?" I added in quickly, looking hopeful. Maybe if I had Amanda there, it wouldn't be too awkward. She smiled, but I could tell she was still a bit worried. "Sure. I'll get on that right away.." Amanda began to walk out of the room. She quickly glanced back at me, then walked out, as if she didn't want me to see her look back. But, I caught her glance, and saw pure hurt and concern. She knew it wasn't just because I had someone coming over that I wanted to look my best.............

Mark's P.O.V

I had butterflies in my stomach, and my heart was beating out of my chest as I walked up the front steps of Matthias's house. I hesitated for a moment, before ringing the doorbell. I fiddled with my hands a bit as I heard a male voice say "Coming!", and footsteps, as If someone was running down stairs. As he opened the door, I noticed I was sweating a bit. "H..Hey! It's me, Mark." I stammered, before doing a mental face palm. I sounded so stupid. "Hi, Mark! Come right in!" Matt stepped back a bit, and ushered me inside. If he was nervous, he sure was doing a good job of hiding it.........

Matt's P.O.V

'Oh.My.God. I am so nervous!' I thought as I opened the door, and ushered Mark inside. Seeing him in person, he was shorter than I thought he would have been....... Still handsome, though. Ugh. I mentally cringed. I'm doing that thing again.....

As we walked into where I filmed my videos, Amanda approached us, clipboard in hand. "So this is the person Matt was up early getting ready for!" She sounded happy, but there was some bitterness in the tone of her voice. Mark didn't seem to notice, though, as he took her outstretched hand, and shook it with a smile. "Hi. I'm Mark. And you must be Amanda?" He asked charmingly. I felt a blush coming on, but forced it down. "Come on Mark. We haven't had time to actually talk to each other, so we can do that while the camera crew is getting ready." I grabbed Mark's arm, and pulled him away from Amanda. I hoped she couldn't see the blush on my face. "Oh, Ok! Bye!" Mark called back to Amanda as I pulled him away. I sat down on my sofa with a sigh. Mark sat down across from me, and looked at me. "Do you, uh, want to start?" He asked. It took me a while to realize he was speaking to me. "Oh, uh, sure, if you don't want to...." I trailed off. I was sort of shocked that Mark wasn't nervous at all. But being a big ball of energy and happiness that he is, I guess nothing really fazes him anymore. "Well, I started on YouTube a bit before..." I started to tell Mark my story, pausing a bit sometimes do he wouldn't think I was ranting. He listened intently, occasionally nodding, or saying something to add on to the conversation. Soon, I learned that Mark had a pretty rough time before he got on YouTube, that he was king of the squirrels, and of Five Nights At Freddy's, and that he was planning on doing a thing with Jackscepticeye where he dyed his hair pink for charity. Mark was a pretty interesting guy, and I seemed like an insignificant smudge of boringness next to him. I really liked Mark, though. It could be because we are so different...... Opposites attract, right? "We're ready to film, Matt!" One of the members of my camera crew yelled. I gulped as Mark and I walked towards the filming area. 'What if something goes wrong!!????'

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