"Oh, don't you go pouting on me now."

I continue.

"Stop." He raises his eyebrows.

"Fine." I stand up. "I'm going to Calum."

"How do you know if he's even here?" He sits on the bed and pulls me to sit on his lap.

"Is he?" I ask.

"I'm here." He lays his head on my shoulder.

"Stop being jealous." I giggle poking him.

He hugs me.

Theres a knock at the door.

"I'll get it." He sighs.

"Is she awake now?" I hear Michael.

"No, come back later."

"Luke!" I walk over to the door.

"Marcy!" Michael picks me up and hugs me.

I guess my shirt went up because Luke pulled it down.

"I missed you." He lets go of me.

"I missed you too." I mess his hair up.

"Let's go to Ashton's room, Calum's there too. They really missed you." He says motions me to walk.

"Okay, I'll be there." I tell him.

I look at Luke, who just has his arms crossed over his chest and is leaning on the wall.

"Lets go babe." I take his hand.

He doesn't move.

"C'mon." Pull him.

He pulls me to him and kisses my forehead.

"Okay." He smiles and walks us to Ashton's room.


1 Hour Later

I'm laying between Luke's legs, head on his stomach while he plays with my hair.

"Anyway. Do you care to explain why you're half naked?" Calum asks raising an eyebrow at Luke.

"Oh, no!" Michael laughs.

"I want to hear this." Ashton says.

"I'm pretty sure we brought her here fully clothed, Luke." Calum continues.

"Did you?!" Michael squeals.

"No, he rejected me." I act disappointed.

"Okay, you can still live another day, Luke." Calum smiles.

"Wait, am I hearing this right?" Ashton chuckles.

"You, rejected this?" Michael points at Luke then at me.

"She was wasted, Michael." Luke says.

"Okay." Michael lays back on the bed.

"And I don't like talking about this. Especially with Marcy here." He says.

"Why?" I ask facing him.

"Yeah, Luke. What's there to hide?" Calum asks batting his eyelashes.

"It's just wrong to talk about these things in front of a lady." He pecks my forehead.

"But she's a man." Ashton says with a deep voice.

Calum gets up and goes outside without a word.

"What's wrong with Cal-Pal ?" 

"He's so shocked to find out you're actually a man." Luke whispers.

"Shut up." I laugh and so does he.

"No dirty talk in here!" Michael throws a pillow at us.

"I was just saying that she's a man." Luke says.

"What?" Michael and Ashton both say at the same time.

"I didn't mean to say it like that." He starts to babble.

The boys stare at him in confusion.

"It was a joke." He says. "Ashton said it."

"Okay, just stay quiet now." I laugh rubbing his knee.

Calum comes back.

"Put this on." He says throwing a pair of his sweat pants at me.

"Why?" Luke asks.

"She's half naked, Luke." Calum says.

"It's a dress." I laugh.

"Still." He pauses. "It's weird." 

"Fine." I sigh slipping the pants on.

"Boo !!!!" Michael yells. "You suck, Calum !" 

He throws a pillow at Calum.


So, I'm feeling productive today.

It's 4:24 am and I cleaned my room and updated. xD

Who else gets that random energy after 3:00 am.


I'll update again later, yo !

- Hanie <3


I know this was kinda boring.

Don't forget to add me on snapchat : Hawneepoop

Subscribe on youtube : Link in bio.

Follow on instagram : Hawneecastle (Get my attention for a follow)

and twitter : Bio.


Anyway. You guys should send me some questions to answer. Just DM me a question about anything either here or instagram or snapchat and I'll FINALLY post a video on youtube.

-Deuces :* 

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