Chapter 1: Incomplete Being

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If there was one thing she hated most, it was being dumped.

The last boyfriend she had left her writhing in pain and crawling back to the java-script from whence she came from. "You'll pay for this... you'll pay..." She groaned in agony as trails of unnecessary and peripheral code puddled up behind her. The code was crimson, noting there was an error in system.

That's what viruses bleed: red, undefined Code. Viruses were not living, let alone have a meaning in it. Yet, somehow, someway, this virus had feelings. It hurt that her code was torn apart. But, it hurt even more that her attachments had been severed and thrown across the web.

She was the closest thing to living in virtual reality. She could think for herself, and what she wanted most was to love. She had come really close with the last prospect. If those dumb kids didn't come and pull the plug, she would've made their love a reality... a virtual reality.

She should've been thankful- thankful she still had her life. She narrowly escaped total destruction by ejecting a huge chunk of her of her code through the metal rims of the oven. After he set her home aflame and melted the plastic, the code had one last chance at survival.

Through transferring through the hot rungs of the oven rack, she made it to the heating system of the oven, allowing her to transfer back into the power outlet, which led to the power lines, which was the main port for the virtual world. If her boyfriend had used a natural gas oven, she would've been toast, luckily, the will of Bill Cipher had allowed her to exist for a little longer.

Destabilized and incomplete... that is.

At times she wished she was dead. A life without love is not worth living, as her rationale goes. That is the purpose of beings of the real-world reality. She was given the ability to love, like a human, but she was far from it. Oh, she longed to be real.

That was what downloading her boyfriend was supposed to do. By downloading a real being, it gave her an opening to transfer into the real world. Trading places, in a way.

She winced since her the structural code of her arm falling apart. She covered it with a tattered hand to keep it in place. She took a seat next to the port of Ethernet cable. Ethernet cables were a sure source of safety to transfer into the hard drive of a computer. The only downside is that she had to wait til morning for the real beings to boot up the computer and start the flow of data. Then, and only then could she crawl into the hard drive.

The port was like a gate... a gate that kept data out when not in use. Occasionally, a byte of data would download into the drive when it was off, but that was about it. She had to wait now. She checked the virtual clock in the sky, finding it was well past the hour of midnight.

Midnight was the hour of Bill Cipher... perhaps that is the reason why she survived.

At least it was safer to travel through the Ethernet cable because it was more stable. She could've downloaded herself through WiFi, but if the connection was lost for even just a second, she could've lost a lot- even all of her code. WiFi was open twenty-four-seven, but she decided not to risk it. With her current dilapidated and torn state, it wasn't worth the risk.

Besides, she was planning to hack into the hard drive to get a oblivious technician to fix her code, then she will be up and running in no time, then she could have her revenge... and her boyfriend also... it was the perfect plan.

But for now, she had to wait.

"My, I haven't had this type of rest in years" She said to herself. Come to think of it, she had been working way too hard, it was time to let her code repair.

She yawned, closed her maroon eyes, and booted down.

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