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Harri's POV

I loved my mother. So when my mother was ripped away from me in a freak car accident my whole life changed. After being sent to live with my drunk father and snotty step mother i was glad to be standing outside the huge boarding school in front of me. Hoping I can get a fresh start and maybe even find the smile I had lost.

It was a late night Friday evening when my mom died. She worked nights so she could help me in the mornings for school. I remember how bad the weather was on that night, the sky was black tar and there was a tapping on the windows it became a pitter-patter as the storm got worse and worse. It wasn't until the door bell rang down stairs that I knew something was wrong and when I was greeted by two large police officers with sad and sorry expressions my world collapsed "we are very sorry to inform you Miss Jenkins but there was a car accident.. and Miss Hallow , didn't make it."

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