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she inhaled and stared into the mirror.


tangled hair. pale skin. eyes that used to hold the spark of life, but now only were ringed by dark circles from countless of sleepless nights.


tears falling onto the plush carpet. she couldn't help thinking that they were beautiful in a strange way.

she stood, and surveyed her plain bedroom. it lacked decoration and color.

just like her.

her focus went to the keychain sitting on her nightstand, and a memory surfaced, back to when she was happier...

"take this." he held out a small object that flashed in the sunlight and she watched as he smiled brightly at her.

"why?" she asked, hesitating after a moment passed.

"it is a gift from me, to express my love."

she took the trinket and observed it. it was half of a silver star. "do you have the other half?"

he nodded and took out a chain from under his shirt. hanging on it was the other half.

"we'll always be together this way."

he had pressed a soft kiss to her forehead and left after that.

she smiled to herself weakly, and then picked the charm up, closing her fingers around it. everything seemed to weigh more these days.

deciding on an answer to the question that had tormented her for the past few weeks, she ripped a piece of paper out of her notebook and picked up her pencil.

after she had written down what she wanted to say, she folded the paper neatly and set it down on her desk.

her keychain was still clasped tightly in her hand. forcing herself to open her fist, she held the charm up to her lips and kissed it ever so gently, like the same way he had on that day, and then set it down on top of the folded parchment.

she unscrewed the cap of her medicine bottle and peeked inside.

10 pills.

swallowing them one by one, she laid on her bed and closed her eyes, welcoming the moment that life released her into death's grip.

"thank you. i love you. goodbye."


goodbyeOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora