mixed up

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I decided to follow my mother's advice, and I visited the dating website. It was dead, but I still did it. I'm currently sitting down at a small restaurant. It was a Italian restaurant. Of course, I'm nervous. I'm literally sweating. It feels like I've been waiting for ages.

"Madame, are you sure I can't get you something while you wait? A glass of wine, perhaps?" The waiter questioned.

"No, thank you. The reservation was for eight o'clock, wasn't it?" I questioned him.

"Yes, ma'am." He replied.

I glanced at the clock, and it was 9;00pm.

"But you know, the weather..." The waiter started.

"Oh, yeah, there was a terrible accident downtown. If I hadn't left an hour early-- he's probably caught in that." I said.

"Yes, I'm sure." The waiter said, and walked off.

I sit there for a moment, sinking all the thoughts in. Am I ugly? Am I stupid? Don't start crying, Clara. I wipe my tears, collecting all my things until...

"Hello." A voice said.

I turned around to see a man in an overcoat standing there. Underneath the coat, was a suit. He's suave, good looking, Italian made shoes, three thousand dollar suit.

"Are you...?"

"Clara, yeah. Andrew?" I questioned him.

"Guilty. I'm so sorry. How long have you been--"

"--Oh, not long. That's okay." I smiled at him.

He shakes my hand, and kindly smiled back. I couldn't believe my luck. He takes his coat off, and sits opposite me.

"Just so you know, this isn't me at all. I'm not that guy who keeps a lady waiting." Andrew said.

"What guy are you?" I asked him.

"Right now, a thirsty one."

Andrew opened up the wine list, and carefully read it.

"You look like a red wine girl to me. A big bold red..." He chuckled.

Andrew started to speak flawless Italian. I watched him, completely dazzled.

"Have you done this before?" I asked him.

"What? Had dinner with a beautiful woman? Once or twice." He said.

"No... Computer dated." I said.

"Oh... No. Can't say that I have." Andrew replied.

"Why did you pick me?" I asked him.

"Look at you."

"I didn't post a picture."

"No. I know, but... there was so much beauty in how you described yourself. In your words." Andrew said.

"Really." I said, smiling.

"Plus, Clara was my mother's name." Andrew added, and this got me smiling like a goof again.

The waiter came along, and dropped the wine off. Andrew nods at the wine label, and poured us each a glass. Andrew raised his glass, and so did I.

"What should we toast to?" Andrew asked.

"Taking risks." I said.

"Good one." Andrew smiled.

Our glasses touched, and we drank. I couldn't believe it. This might be the actual guy.

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