Chapter One - 'Pain.'

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A/N - This is the sequel to a story called 'Tutoring A Malfoy' so please read that first or else it'll just get spoiled and we don't want that happening ;)


The rain hit the Malfoy manor with a tremendous thud that made everything inside tremor. The windows creaked as the rain pounded against it as though in an ongoing effort to break in and flood them all out. From downstairs he could hear a door bang shut, someone had obviously forgotten to close the window then. The clouds outside were a midnight black and there was no moon to be seen by the naked eye. Draco guessed it was nearly ten o'clock which meant someone was probably coming up with food any second now.

He grimaced, sitting in the darkened room all by himself. It had been four painfully long months since he had seen anything other than the outside of this room or the conjoined bathroom. The only thing in the room was a bed which he sat on all day, drawing, reading, hurting, and a side table. They didn't trust him with any other furniture in case he tried to break out or hurt himself, or someone else, with anything he found.

So there was no furniture but he had explicitly asked for a notepad and some pens which his mother had provided him without hesitation. His father had tried to take it away, shouting that his only son didn't deserve anything because he was in love with a 'mudblood'. Draco had ignored him, he had fought to keep the notepad, and it had cost him a lot, and now he never let it out of sight.

'Draco?' the bolts on the door loosened and it creaked open. He looked up as a girl walked in, balancing a tray of food on one hand and closing the door behind her.

Draco looked back down at his notepad, hoping she would just leave. He knew from previous experiences that she didn't like to leave him here alone, she would sit next to him and try to talk. She took every chance she could to come and talk to him. She was a beautiful nineteen year old girl that he knew nothing about. She had short, wavy brown hair that she liked to pin back with bobby pins, her eyes were a light shade of blue that he supposed probably dazzled in the sun.

'Your mother told me you liked to eat apple pie,' she started, putting the tray in front of him. He glanced at it briefly. There was a chicken sandwich, a slice of apple pie, a green apple and a bottle of water for him. He reached forwards, took the water and apple, and then he looked back to his notepad. The girl said, 'I made the apple pie for you...'

'Not hungry,' he said, his voice was deep since he hadn't used it all day or the day before. He coughed a little, knowing she was staring at his arm, and rearranged his sleeve so that she wouldn't see anything.

'Do you even remember my name?' she asked suddenly, shaking her head. Draco looked up as a piece of her hair came loose from her bobby pin. The expression on his face hardly changed but she knew that he couldn't remember her name at all. She sighed, 'I've been bringing you food for three months but you've barely said two words to me.'

'Well,' Draco put down the pen he was drawing with and held up the green apple she had bought for him, 'thank you for this.'

'Wow, so you do speak,' she said, cocking an eyebrow and smiling a little at the sound of his voice. She held out a hand, 'Eva, by the way.'

He glanced at her hand but didn't shake it. Draco could tell that she felt a sort of connection between the two of them and that she wanted their relationship, even though she had talked to her and he had ignored her wasn't really a relationship, to go a little further. Eva had unmistakeable feelings for Draco.

Draco looked down at his at his drawing again, ignoring the hand that slowly pulled away from him. He picked up a brown pencil and started to shade in the girl's hair that he was drawing. Eva watched him, frowning as she saw the drawing. For three months she had watched him sketch pictures of the same girl with the same curly brown hair and the same brown eyes. She didn't know that the girl he drew was Hermione Granger. She didn't know that Draco was in love with Hermione or the reason why he was locked up in this room.

Last Lesson in Love - (Sequel to Tutoring A Malfoy)Where stories live. Discover now