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"Showtime's in ten Ms.(L/N)!" A crew member called from outside (Y/N)'s dressing room.

"Ok, thanks!" She called back, monotonously. (Y/N) was not anticipating going onstage, for once in her life. She had been adamantly avoiding any and all confrontation with the sparkling monstrosity of popularity that was Mettaton, and now it seemed that her worst fears had been coming true.

She stood up, staring down her reflection in the mirror. That's me, she thought, me, about to go onto Mettatons show. Would they be proud of you? Or would they think you shouldn't have taken this offer?

Her deep thoughts were interrupted by a rap on the door. "Oy, (Y/N), five minutes until showtime, get out here!" Ali called.

"Coming!" She groaned, only halfheartedly. (Y/N) briskly walked out towards the entrance to the surprisingly well made set. She paused at the entrance to the set, suddenly wary. She really didn't want to be here.

The show must go on. A small, almost foreign voice in the back of her mind reminded her. Hearing that, she had a sudden surge of assurance. Ali was right about this. Her plan would work, and (Y/N)'s ratings would boost, and she'd become the biggest idol in the world.

At least, that's what she told herself as she sat on the pale leather cushions of the guest couch. The mantra continued on through (Y/N)'s mind through the shows intro, all the way up through the casual small talk at the beginning of the program, growing stronger through the deeper, more personal questions, and nearly to the end of the episode.

"Well, darling, it truly has been a pleasure having you here," Mettaton reached over and put a hand on hers. (Y/N) resisted the urge to rip her hand away and scream. "I hope to see your gorgeous face here again soon!"

I hope you die in a fire, but hey, not everybody gets what they want. (Y/N) thought. "I agree completely Mettaton! I really do hope I can come back sometime!" She feigned happiness.

"Alas, it seems our time here in the studio is up, but lucky us, we can always talk backstage!" The audience cheered. I bet those thirsty assholes already gave us a ship name. (Y/-ton, perhaps? (Y/N) let out a fake excited laugh.

"That's right, isn't it! I'll be sure to tweet about it, so don't worry about missing a second of it you guys!" Scanning the faces of the live audience, (Y/N) noticed at least three people fainted. God, my phones going to explode with all the notifications when I get back. (Y/N) thought, watching the stage lights flick off, and the cameras finally shut down.

She got off stage as quickly as possible intending entirely on going back to her dressing room and faking an illness. However, she bumped into someone quite unfortunate on her power walk back.

"Hello, (Y/N) darling!"

Ah, fuckity. "Hey, Mettaton!"

"Where are you headed, moving so quickly? It's almost like you're late for a date!" Was that supposed to be a joke? What the fuck?

"Oh, just, er back to my dressing room!" (Y/N) prayed to every god she could think of that he'd leave it at that and let her go.

"Nonsense!" He said, leaning uncomfortably close. "After all, we do have to stick to our little plan don't we?"

(Y/N) shivered. The plan that she had agreed to was nothing more than an awful publicity stunt.

Step one: Be BFF's with Mettaton

Step two: Pretend to have a crush on Mettaton

Step three: Date Mettaton and make an album about how in love you are

Step four: Break up with Mettaton and make another album about how heartbroken you are

And once all of that was done, she'd never have to speak with him again. Never have to look at him, and his dazzling t.v. station, never have to hear his obnoxious voice again. It seemed like a true paradise.

"I guess you're right," she said, pushing him back ever so slightly. "Let's go to the break room, shall we?"


(Y/N) (L/N) @(Y/N)-the-nerdiest

Lol, hanging out w/ Metta backstage, #newbff


Mettaton @Mettatonsastar

@(Y/N)-the-nerdiest ;)








OBLIGATORY SHITTY OUTFIT http://www.polyvore.com/cgi/set?id=183398226


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