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Joseph Drew: Crushes?

H; Oh well, um.. -blushes- I'm crushing on someone badly right now. I won't say who, you'll find out later!

N: I barely made my way onto this muggle website. I don't have a crush however.

H: -looks around awkwardly- I, erm...I'm actually crushing on two girls right now. Not saying who they are, but... -blushes- I just...yeah. -awkwardly slips away-

R: Does Chickron count? I feel like it does. But, if not...there is ONE girl. I might have to fight people for her, though. She seems like she's got many boys after her.

L: I have no crushes. -shrugs- Not like anyone would date me anyways, they all call me Loony.

G: -widens eyes and blushes- I kinda like...

There this one-

Well, you see-

You'll find out later, gosh!

N: Malfoy can't make it. He's somewhere- He won't be here for the next two questions either.

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