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Michaela's P.O.V

"Are you sure you want to do this Michaela?" Quinn asked
"Yes,I'm sure" I said,I'm 18 years old and I want some responsibility in my life so I'm going to adopt a child.
We got in the car and headed to the San Clemente adoption center

<<Time Skip>>

When we arived at the adoption center,it was a tall old building with a broken window on the 2nd floor
I walked in with the girls following behind me,when we went to the front desk there was a old lady with her hair pinned up
"Oh..you must be Ms.Byrne" she rolled her eyes,rude
"Follow me" she said standing up and walking into a room
"Stay here"I said to the girls and they sat in the waiting room and I followed the lady
"Sit" she demanded pointing at a small wooden chair in front of the one she is sitting in.
I sat down
"Please call me Mrs.Shimet" she said
I nodded
"So what would you like to adopt, a girl or a boy?"
"Girl please"
She sorted out some filed and handed me one
"That's Ruby Hernandez, she is 6 years old and only been here for 2 months" she said
I looked at the photo of the girl and she had brown short hair and brown eyes
She hen handed me another one
"This is Kailly Newman she is 11 and has been here for 7 months"
I looked at the photo and it was a blond haired girl with green eyes and a mole on her cheek,adorable
"And this is Kyra Dizio,she's 16 years old,and has been here the longest,5 years she's been in and out of here many times"
I looked at the photo and was a girl with short hair that was auburn colored and brown eyes
The lady took the photos and put them back in the files
"You have 1 day to find out witch one you want" she said
I nodded and stood up and walked back to the girls,we then left to go home

Adopted By AATW (All Around The World Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now