"Happy Anniversary," I tell him, stroking my thumb across his knuckles. Blood rushes to his cheeks.

"Happy Anniversary."

An hour later we lay tangled around one another on Sergio's futon couch. He's sprawled atop me, hands in my hair, while we fight for dominance. Gone Girl plays in the background, long forgotten after he snuck the first passionate kiss during one of the more interesting scenes about ten minutes ago. His sweet taste is intoxicating on my lips, giving my head a haze like feeling. Unfortunately it also steals my breath. I pull back from our heavy embrace regretfully, setting myself up against the arm of the couch. Sergio sighs, laying his head against my stomach. The rest of his body lays situated between my legs.

"I love you," I whisper. I brush the tips of his natural curls back gently. His brown orbs glance up at me. It's not hard to see the pure happiness that fills them.

"I love you too Ty."

Perhaps that ring will be of some use after all. I glance down to find his eyes wide.

"I completely forgot about your presents," Serg suddenly exclaims. He hops straight off of me and into his bedroom. I lean my head back against the couch, struggling to achieve what I know only a cold shower can do.

"Here we are," Serg announces. He shoots me a saucy look as he drops onto the couch again. He holds a rectangular, sleek black gift box in his hands. On top of it sits a familiar black shirt.

"If someone hadn't distracted me we could've got on with this a long time ago."

I wink at him. "Go ahead. Act like you didn't enjoy every second."

He scoffs. "Whatever. Open your gifts you tease."

I hold up one finger. "Have you forgotten something?"

His face contorts into a confused expression.

I chuckle. "Sergio you forgot about your own gifts."

His lips form into an O shape and he scrambles off the couch again. I eye my own presents from the corner of my eye.

"Here they are," He shouts out from the kitchen. He prances back into the living room, box in hand, and falls onto my lap purposely. He is so not helping my situation right now. Still, he stares down at the simple box in his hands.

"Well," I encourage him. "Open it."

Apparently, he doesn't need to be told twice. He pulls the ribbon and lid carefully off the box. I cover my ears, expecting the happy squeal that releases from his lips once he sees the contents inside. He wraps his arms quickly around my neck in thanks, planting a hard kiss on my lips to top it off. I tighten my grip around his waist once he settles back down to pillage through the box.

"Oh my goodness Tyler these are amazing! Where did you get the bracelet?"

I pluck the small container from between his slender fingers.

"Well," I begin, clipping the quite beautiful bracelet around his tan wrist. "I saw it advertised online. It's the soundwaves of me saying your name in bracelet form."

I lift my own wrist bearing the black version of his gift.

"Remember when I recorded you saying my name a week ago? Well this is the result."

Sergio lets out a loud, drawn out "Awe," in response to my ingenious gifting swagger. He pulls back, once I clasp it together, to admires it fondly.

"It's beautiful."

I cup his cheek in my hand. "Like you."

My words bring the trademark blush to Sergio's cheeks. He removes himself from my lap, stuttering due to his embarrassment.

"I'm going to go make us some drinks and hang this amazing collage in the kitchen. You, well you open your gift while I'm away."

I watch him prance away, staring particularly at one certain area. To my great displeasure it disappears into the kitchen, and my focus reluctantly returns to the slightly heavy container in my lap. I pull back the lid of it easily to find...nothing. There's nothing inside of it at all.

"Sergio, babe, what did you get me?" I call out puzzled.

"It's a book silly. I made a book about our past year together. I know it's not much but I thought you'd like it," He responds, a worried edge to his tone.

I feel my heart swell in my chest. Of course I'd love a present like that. Now if I can only find it.

"It sounds lovely already, but are you sure you put it in here?" His head pops out from behind the kitchen wall where he disappeared to make our drinks. The bracelet I'd given him stands out on his wrist beautifully.

"What are you talking about Ty? It's in your hands." 

The End. 

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