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As the truth settled in on Sara and she realized that she was carrying Jimmy Martino's child again, she heard the sound of a tiny hand slapping against her bathroom door. That would be Edie looking for her because it was just the two of them in the house, and she didn't quite have the hang of balling her fingers up into a fist for knocking on the door yet, so slapping was the best she could do.

"Sara?" she heard a tiny voice call out.

Sara's heart turned to butter upon hearing Edie saying her name. It wasn't like Edie couldn't talk, but saying 'Sara' was easier than 'grandma.' Sara was totally cool with that.

"Just a second, little dollface!" the brunette called out as she chucked the used pregnancy tests in the garbage and washed her hands. "Hang on!"

When she finished, Sara opened the door and saw Edie standing there, smiling sweetly at her and holding her arms outstretched. 


Unable to resist Edie, Sara picked her granddaughter up and sat her on her hip, realizing that she wouldn't be able to do it at all in a few months.

"What are you doing awake?" Sara asked her. "I thought you were sleeping!"

Edie just giggled and pressed a kiss to Sara's cheek before she relaxed in her arms and rested her head on her shoulder. She even let out a sigh of contentment and gave Sara a shoulder hug because she was known to get very lovey-dovey when she was extremely tired. Gerald had been the same way.

"Oh, so you just wanted to cuddle?" Sara kissed Edie's curls. "That makes me very happy."

Edie closed her eyes and let out a soft giggle, but said nothing at all.

"Okay, you." Sara said to her drowsy grandchild as she carried her towards the living room. "Let's go see if I can remember where I left my phone because I need to text your daddy and make an important phone call."

Edie just let out a snore. She was fast asleep.

Sara had ended up with Edie that day because Vanessa was actually putting some thought into actual work besides getting Instagram famous, and although it was clearly another pyramid scheme, she had to give her points for trying. As for Gerald, he was off at a sci-fi convention in town that he'd had a ticket to for months. It was two in the afternoon, and he'd been gone for hours already, but had promised to be home by five. The rest of Vanessa's family was busy, and Jimmy? He was the last-resort babysitter, but he was at work, anyway.

So that left Sara, and even though it was the weekend and it was her first weekend off since she'd gotten pregnant, she gladly took Edie for the day because having her around was the closest she'd ever come to having a daughter.

Well, that could change, Sara told herself as she sat down on the couch, one hand keeping Edie secure while with the other, she retrieved her phone from the side table where she'd left it.


The first text read, How is Edie?

Sara sent him a picture of Edie and then added, Zonked out. She couldn't sleep until she gave me a hug and kiss.

That's my Edie :)

I have to go run an errand, btw, but E will sleep through it. We'll be back before you get home. You go keep having fun.

Gerald was genuinely curious about what was going on in his mother's head because she'd been acting strange lately, and he'd never known her to take Edie on an outing when she was already sleeping. It must have been important.

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