“Sure” I answered with a shrug





4 hours later i'm in the living room arguing with Kevin(Lucas just left)

“Who told you that it was okay to waltz around with my enemy? Chuz I know damn sure I didn't!” Kevin piercing blue eyes showed that he was pretty pissed off

I chuckled and leaned on the black leather couch

“What's so damn funny?”

“What's so funny is that you seriously think you scare me with your yelling and you honestly THINK I will abide by your rules...Ha your funny matter fact your fucking Hilarious” I folded my arms and laughed .

Kevin came up to me and whispered “You should be”

“Well I'm not....” I yawned and said “Are we done here?”


“Why not? you yelled what you had to say and I said what I had to say...i'm not scared of you KEVIN!”

I was 100% lying my ass off...I WAS PETRIFIED!

you have to understand I've been with him since 2014 and in that time I've seen what he was capable of....He is crazy as hell! I tell you, he is your worst nightmare and he have these people living in fear because he feed off it...he's a monster so yeah I Lexi King Is terrified of Kevin Jermaine Harold.

“Step outside” He said with his teeth clenched

“What..wait no”

“STEP OUTSIDE!” He roared and I went to the front door and walked out.

“All these years Lexi you've been testing my patience....so now n order for you to understand and ABIDE by my rules your going to have to face the punishments just like every one else” He spoke venemously.

My eyes went black instantly “Kevin stop! Just because I hung out with your enemy for 2 hours doesn't mean anything your blowing this outta proportion”I spoke calmly but inside I'm like HOLY SHIT!

“Don't need to cover your fear....I can already smell it, and boy does it smell delicious” He sniffed the air and smiled

with that I ran.....I ran with all my might...my sandals slipped of while I ran and I went into the forest not stopping even though my heart was thumping in my mouth.

I kept looking back just to see if Kevin was behind me and...... he wasn't?. I slowed down and turned where Kevin was suppose to be....behind me......something isn't right about this

If I was Kevin what will I do? Even though I've been with Kevin for 22 years I still can't think like him.

Lost Love(Sequel to my crazy alpha king royal)Where stories live. Discover now