Chapter 1

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I'd told Becky about Jasmine 3 months ago now and ever since I told her it feels like she's been distancing herself, she hasn't been the same around me anymore and when I start a conversation with her in the shops she'll find any excuse to leave. I just don't know what up with her.
But on the bright side, Jasmine came to see me again today.
At around 4 o'clock I heard a knock at the door, I walked over to answer it expecting to see Jasmine but it was Louis, he had hold of Becky's shoulders, "Can we come in bro?" He asked, "Sure!" I replied, once we were all sat down on the sofa I glanced at Louis, "So... What's up?" I asked, "Becca has something to tell you" Louis replied, "Okay... What's up?" I asked, "Okay... First things first Louis dragged me around here against my own will. It was his choice not mine!" She told me, "Is that what you had to tell me?" I asked, she turned her head to Louis as silence fell.
I couldn't believe that Louis was making me do this! It was so unnecessary, "Is that what you had to tell me?" Niall asked me, I glanced at him then at Louis, silence had fallen over us, Niall kept glancing at the clock, "I'm sorry, Are we keeping you?" I asked in a cocky tone, "No... Why would you think that?" Niall asked, "You keep checking the clock Niall. You waiting for someone?" I asked, "Yeah... Jasmine is supposed to be here soon" He smiled, My face dropped at the mention of her name, I then glanced at Louis, "Tell him what you told me!" Louis ushered, I glanced at Louis then at Niall, "I can't. I... I gotta go" I replied as I stood up and practically ran out of the door.
I watched as Becky ran out of the door, "What did she wanna tell me Lou?" Niall asked, I slowly stood up and glanced at Niall, "It'll be best coming from her" I replied, "Why can't you tell me?" He asked, "Ask Becky, Niall!" I replied as I walked out of the door. I walked down the path and saw Jasmine, I slowly walked over, "What the fuck is wrong with you?!" I asked before she reached his garden gate, "What're you talking about Louis?" She asked, "I'm talking about you! I heard about what you said and did to Becky! What the fuck did she do to you, Huh?" I yelled, "She got what was coming to her!" She replied in a cocky tone, "Wait... Have you told Niall?" She asked in a worried tone, I glared at her as a smirk crossed my lips and I left her wondering.
I walked into my house and put my head in my hands. If only I'd have told him. I picked up the paracetamols I was given by the hospital and quickly took two before pulling a cigarette out of the packet, I lit the cigarette and walked out into the front garden and leant on the gate, I began smoking the cigarette, I know I shouldn't but alcohol and smokes were the only things keeping me going through the day. No. I'm not an alcoholic. No. I'm not addicted to cigarettes. I only have them both when I'm stressed and at that time I was stressed as fuck, the cigarette was then pulled out of my mouth, "What you think you're doing?" I yelled before turning my head, "Oh..." I muttered, "I thought you gave this up" Harry muttered, "I did..." I whispered, "And?" He asked, "What?" I questioned, "What happened?" He replied, "I'm stressed!" I told him as I reached out for the cigarette, he moved it away from me and threw it down the drain, "Harry!" I complained, "What?" He replied, "Throwing that away!" I screamed as I stomped my foot, "You're been childish" he laughed, "Why you stressed?" He asked as he placed his arm around my shoulder and walked me into the house. Everything came flooding back. Everything from me and Niall to everything that happened when he got a girlfriend. Tears dropped onto my cheeks as each and every memory washed through my mind. I then decided to answer Harry's question, "I'm stressed because... Niall got a girlfriend" I replied, "Why's that a problem babe?" He asked, "I... I... I love him Harry!" I whispered, "He is your best friend" He replied, "No Harry, you don't understand. Niall. He's my baby. I love him. I wanted to be his girlfriend!" I told him, "Oh... Becky, why you crying?" He asked as he wrapped his arms around me, "I... I can't go anywhere near Niall" I told him, "What the fuck! Why not?" He asked, "She threatened me Harry" I whispered. It all started flashing back in my head.
~ It was just another normal day. I got a call from an unknown number. I answered, "Hello?" I asked, "Hey! Its Becky right?" A female voice yelled down the phone, "Uh... Yeah" I replied, "That's great. This is Jasmine. You know Nialls girlfriend?" She smiled, "Yeah" I muttered, "Well... Niall said that he'd like us to meet up. Ya know go for a coffee and then go shopping or something. I think it'd be nice if we could become friends" She replied excitedly down the phone, "I don't see why not" I replied, "Great, meet me at Starbucks in ten. See ya. Mwah!" She said before hanging up the call, I pulled my wedged high tops on and began heading to Starbucks, I walked in, "Becky!" She yelled, I saw her sat there, a beanie on over her long brown hair, I walked over, "Uh... Jasmine? Right?" I asked, "That's right" She smiled brightly, "I ordered your favourite" she added as she pushed a double chocolate frappucino towards me, "Thanks. How'd you know it was my favourite though?" I asked, "I asked Niall" She giggled, "Ah right" I replied as I glanced out of the window as she began talking about how much she loved him, jealousy was building its way up inside me before I snapped, "Let's go shopping!" I yelled, she closed her mouth mid-sentence, "Uh sure" She replied, I walked out of Starbucks and across the road to New Look, I walked in and began looking around, "So... How long have you known Niall?" She asked, "Forever" I replied, "We went to nursery together" I added as a smile made its way across my face, "Really?" She asked, "Yeah" I smiled, "Do you like him?" She asked, "Uh... How do you mean?" I asked, "Well... Ya know.. Have you ever had a crush on him and do you have one now?" She asked, "I did used to have a crush on him. But I don't anymore" I lied, "You sure?" She asked as she stared me straight in the eyes, "Positive" I replied as I turned my head away from her, she then grabbed the front of my hoodie and pinned me against the wall as a group of friends surrounded her, they came out of nowhere, "Becky. You ever go near Niall again, I will make your death look like an accident!" She smirked as her and her friends dragged me out of New Look and into an alley, I recognized some of her friends as people that used to bully me in high school, such as Rihanna Sheridan, Dawn Smith and Summer Pablo, I was thrown against the alley wall and punched in the gut, I then had my hair pulled right back and they stuck a dogbone in my mouth, I almost cried, but the worst was yet to come, they started snapping pictures of me with the bone in my mouth and then Jasmine went and poured washing up liquid down my throat and a picture was taken as she did, it burned like fuck, I was then pushed to the ground and they all began hitting me in the ribs with sticks, I closed my eyes praying for it all to be over but it continued, after another ten minutes of them beating me with the sticks they up and left leaving me laying on the cold alley floor, I managed to pull myself up but I had to lean on the wall for support, I took a few steps down the street before leaning on a lamppost for more support before having peoples garden walls helping me until I got home, once home I collapsed on the sofa and lifted my top, my ribs were already bruising and they hurt like fuck, I called my older brother Darren, he rushed round, once he saw me he picked me up and walked me out to the car where he took me to the hospital, once I'd woke up in the hospital they told me I had fractured my spine, I was then taken home, only to find a whole twitter account about me, it was called @BeccaTheFreak and all the pictures that Rihanna, Dawn, Summer, Jasmine and the rest of them took, I went through all the replies on each picture, they were horrible, I quickly opened my laptop and deactivated my twitter account and my Instagram account, I then deleted my public Facebook account but kept my private one, I didn't know how much longer I could cope. ~
"She threatened me Harry!" She whispered. After she said that I could tell she was remembering everything, after about twenty minutes I saw tears pouring down her face. Her tears became faster and faster. She was bawling her eyes out. She slowly turned her head to me, "You remember that day Darren told you I was sent to hospital and he also told you that I'd deleted my Instagram, Twitter and my public Facebook profile?" She asked, "Yeah?" I questioned, "Harry... She... She beat me up. Give me your phone!" She told me, I slowly handed her my phone as she went on Twitter and found the profile @BeccaTheFreak, she handed me the phone, "Just scroll down it" She told me, I glanced at the bio, 'Hate page on Becky Teraquai run by Jasmine Kale, Rihanna Sheridan, Dawn Smith, Summer Pablo, Georgie Greenwood, Fiona Greenwood and Brianna Martin ☆' I shook my head and began scrolling through the pictures, they were disgusting, all the things they'd done to her, "Have you shown Niall this?" I asked, "Nope" She replied, "Becca... How long has this been happening?" I asked, "The first 5 pictures were taken on the Friday after Niall told you boys about her" She replied, "And the rest?" I asked, "Harry... Its been happening every week since that day!" She told me, "Two weeks ago they came in and wrecked my whole bedroom, they smashed all of my childhood selfies I'd taken with Niall, they'd pulled down the massive mirror that my grandad made me, they broke the massive chest of drawers that my dad singlehandedly built... And not to mention the fact they they broke the snow globe that my grandma gave me when I was six!" She told me as tears stung in her eyes, "Bex.. Why didn't you tell me?" I asked, "How could I, Harry? She told me if I told anyone it'd only get worse. I just hope Louis hasn't said anything to her" She muttered, "You and Louis are the only ones I've told!" She added, "Please! Please! Please don't tell Niall or anyone else for that matter!" She begged, "Bex... I won't tell anyone. But you'll have to at some point" I told her, "So the secrets safe?" She asked, "Your secrets safe with me" I replied as I pulled her into a massive bear hug.

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