closing doors

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We where surrounded by miles of forest and mountains, and in the state we where in , we wouldn't last long in the wilderness of Australia, with out a first aid kit or fresh water.
I dragged Lucas and myself more and more into the rain forest, i found a small path, hopefully it was a human path and not a path created by snakes.
My ears where still ringing, blood and sweat where falling off me. The smell was terrible.
I wondered, for what felt like years.
There was a cliff face ahead of us, hopefully there was some shelter there for us to rest,
Luckily there was a small water fall and pond.
It wasn't much but at least it was fresh, i placed lucas gently behind some rocks near the pond.
And jumped in, washing my dress
It wasnt pretty, i then took it off using it as a washer i placed it on his forehead, washing away the blood.
Please wake up i prayed.
Don't leave me alone.
Searching through my hand bag hoping to find something of use.
'Damn' i swore to myself, my phone had no service still.
I climbed up next to him and pulled his head onto my lap.
And layed my head back on the rock behind me and prayed.

The world i once new, was gone.
My friends, my home.
I wasn't sure who this boy was, but there was something about him that made me feel sure, made me have faith that there would be a new beginning. Hope.

I started to drift off, my head pounding, every bone in my body hurt.

'Everlyn?' Said faint husky voice.
I felt my body shake, and then pain hit me and jolted me awake.
I went to scream, but was stopped by a warm hand.
'Please don't scream, you're safe'
My vision slowly came back to me, i felt my heart start racing, i started to remember about the situation i was in.
He was looking at me, taking my appearance in.
'If i remove my hand promise that you will not scream'
I nodded.
I gasped after he moved it.
'How many fingers am I holding up?' He asked.
'three' i said, taking a deep breath i tried pulling myself together, 'what is going on?'
'They where warning shots, I'm so sorry' he shook his head, grabbing his hair tightly, stress covered his face.
I looked down, trying not to stare, almost jumping in shock, realizing i was only in my swimmers.
'Bloody great' my dress was covered in dirt blood vomit and who knows what else.
'I'm sorry you have to be apart of all this' he apologized again.
I tried to smile at him 'Im sorry about your shirt and this is not your fault, its beyond your control'.
He smiled back, 'can you walk?' He held his hand out to me.
You can do this.
I let him help me up, the world started to spin, i could feel last nights dinner coming up, but i held it in.
'Where can we go?' I asked.
'We must keep traveling north, towards the closest town, look for others' he said.
And that was the end of the talking for at least one hour, through the forest.
It was still 40 degrees and the day was coming to its end.
'So where are you from?' I asked, trying to make small talk.
'I'm from Margaret River, originally
But i've been living in Darwin for the last year' he told me, then said nothing.
'So what brings you here?' I continued asking questions trying to take my mind off what was really happening.
'I'm apart of the special forces' he told me.
'Well that explains a lot, but I'm still a little bit confused about what is going on' i continued
'Well they where warning shots, so if they let off more or if we fire back, we need to find shelter.'
'I should get you home to your family make sure there still' he stopped then.
'Don't worry about me, there is no one waiting for me back there' i told him, its getting dark though and i don't think either of us are in good enough condition to make it on foot, we need to rest' i finished.
Every time we stopped talking, id get hit with nausea and pain.
He nodded his head at me, stopping he took in our surroundings.
It was dark, not even the moon was full to help us.
'Can you climb?' He asked me looking towards the cliff face.
I nodded, trying to catch my breath.
Out of all the people to be stuck with.
Use you're power's a small voice in my head started talking, its time to show off.
'Shut up' i muttered.
'Excuse me?' Lucas looked at me slightly confused.
'Not you' i snapped.

My family, that i once had, my mother she was believed to be apart of a cult, a witch.
My father he was a normal human, i got most of his looks and traits, which i like to believe made me a hundred percent human.
I stared at the cliff face, hoping that there would be a sign, that there would be something to give me a clue.
I focused on my inner self, the wind picked up and made the tree's sway.
'Yes we should go up' i said.
And we climbed using what strength we had left.
At the top off the cliff there was a small hole in the rock face, it looked not so safe.
But my body was not going to let me go any further, i climbed in and placed my hand bag under my head and collapsed with exhaustion.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 26, 2015 ⏰

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