Chapter 1

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Taylor's POV--
"Rose why, you said you wouldn't let go..." I said to myself as I was watching my favorite movie, Titanic. I have seen it about 671 times but it still surprises me every day. Oh, you're gonna love this, my children's beds are 1: a steel Titanic remake and 2: a real iceberg made exclusively from an Atlantic glacier. All of a sudden, I heard a knock on the door. It was Shyanne. OMG, Shyanne. Who is Shyanne? Only THE BEST best friend eva. "Was' up mah sista?" Asks Shyanne "Nothing much, I'm just watching Titanic for the 672nd time." I replied. Out front of the side window we hear a random whistle. It sounded like the first little tune of the hunger games theme song. It was an airplane. "OH MY LORD" I shouted. "What?" Asks Shyanne. "Did someone post an ugly picture of you?" "NO, A FREAKING AIRPLANE JUST FELL OUT OF THE CLOUDS IDIOT!!!" "Woah, do you need a P.S.L.?" (P.S.L.= Pumpkin Spice Latté) "NO SERIOUSLY!!!!!!!" I scream. Shyanne looks out the window at the last second before "BOOM" the plane hits the ground. By this time Zach, Charlotte, and Caroline are here. Zach (wow such a babe) tells us that the Ebola virus has genetically modified killing brain cells and enhancing a need for human flesh. The virus is traveled through the blood stream so if you get bit or scratched by an infected, you join the hoard. Wow, I need to watch the news. Our first act was to call our friends bringing all supplies and cars. Our second act is to barricade all doors and windows. We had no extra lumber so we had to place my wax models of Leonardo De Caprio and Rose from Titanic in front of the doors. Our first stop was to head to the hospital to get my grandpa and leave.

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