Resident Evil:Alaska

Start bij het begin

He had stopped at Garnett ledge to wait for the incoming tide to rise higher so he could make a fast run across the sandflats at the mouth of the river into deeper water.

killing time he turned on his radio. He scanned across the dial,reception was poor,he began to pick up snatches of garbled transmissions,finally he hit a clear one and was confused at what he was hearing,for a moment thinking he had picked up a tv transmission of some horror movie.

His blood suddenly ran cold.....he heard a voice identify themselves and he recognized the voice of the high school vice principal .The vice principal related to Carl how it had started with a 911 call to the police department from the hospital.

At the Police station:

A nurse was screaming for help,that one of the patients in for observation had gone beserk and was loose in the hospital building.The officer on duty David Scanlon (out of a department staff of four) Informed the nurse he would be right there. David left the police department,climbed into his cruiser,started it and pulled out of the back lot as he made the short trip he used the cruiser computer to page the officer on standby,Bobby Bryson. David figured that Bobby would contact him on the radio by the time he reached the hospital.

A minute later David was aproaching the entrance to the hospital. Pulling into the hospital parking lot,David thought hmmmmm everthing looks normal so far. David pulled the cruiser to a parking spot close to the emergency exit.

David aproached the emergency entrance doors,stepping onto the sensor the doors slid apart silently. David entered the emergency front area and stopped, saw no one,heard nothing.

hell they probably already have the guy under wraps and sedated....wasting his time by calling him when really unneeded.David walked across the room and pushed thru the double doors into the next area. He stood in the middle of the room and looked around he was familiar with the hospital..

This area was the hub to the hospital.this was the main nurses desk. From this area three corriders branched out from there. The corrider to the left was the Patient wing and offices for doctors and staff. The corrider straight ahead was where all surgiries and lab work was done. The corrider to the right was the morgue and maintenance shop.

David remembered that the nurses desk had some video capabilities,he walked around and entered the nurses area. Spotting three moniters he stepped over,pulled a chair behind him and sat down to study the controls to the moniters.

He saw it was set up as one moiter for each corridor.The Patient corrider moniter also had added stations...the viewer able to view the corrider or choose diffferent rooms in that corrider. the other to moniters were single view,positined to give a view the length of the corrider.

At the moment all three moniters were on,all showing corrider. David relized he still had not heard from the officer on standby....nor had he heard....or seen anyone in the hospital. David started to call out...and stopped.He had a strong feeling that doing so could be a mistake.....possibly a fatal mistake.

Three creatures had the nurse stretched across a bed....

David relized it was futile to try and help the struggling nurse...he turned and ran,he skidded to a stop as he entered the hub. his path out of the hospital was blocked by three dead creatures that must have come from the morgue. He turned and sprinted into the middle corridor,searching for a escape from this nightmare he had entered.

David almost blundered into two more things already in the center corrider...they turned and moved towards him. David stopped,spun and saw the three things in the hub were turning his way. David froze,his mind refusing to accept what was happening.

Je hebt het einde van de gepubliceerde delen bereikt.

⏰ Laatst bijgewerkt: Oct 08, 2010 ⏰

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