Chapter 1

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*Beep beep!*

"I'm up! Stupid alarm" Monday mornings are probably one of the worst mornings ever, everything about Monday is just awful. Anyway, I'm so thankful that today is my day of from work but I still need to go to get my wages. As I force myself to actually get out of bed I make my way to the bathroom to do my daily routine which probably involves me singing some Ariana grande. A voice interrupts my singing "vicky, are you awake love, you need to go and get your wages" my dad tells me,

"yes dad I'm getting ready now, you can leave I'll be fine" my dad is so protective over me sometimes,

"make sure you lock the door and be safe"

"will do"  I replied

"Love you vicky"

"Love you too dad" I love when my dad is protective over me, ever since the accident he's always been like this, I guess I understand why though.

As I step out I my front door my next door neighbour does the same, but it's not as you seem I actually hate my neighbour, his names josh also known as my evil ex boyfriend who basically destroyed my life.

"Victoria how are you on this fine morning" he said to me with his famous smirk on his face,

"Leave me alone josh! Do me a favour and don't talk to me!" Tears started streaming uncontrollably down my face, his smirk turned into laughing.

"Stop crying vic and grow up" he replied and stepped in his car and drove off in a flash. I hate him he did the unforgivable thing to me then chucked me aside like a child being given a new toy to play with, I felt worthless and died to him, I was nothing.

I made the strength to get into my car and drive to work, tears was now dried up but my eyes was still blood shocked, I looked awful. Before I made my way in Jenny's cafe I looked in the mirror to sort my makeup out, oh god I hate that bastar.d.

"Vicky my darling how are you" jenny the owner of the cafe, she was like a mum to me always checking up on me,

"I'm good jen, thanks" I replied with a fake smile on my face.

" I know your not working today but do you think you could help me out, it's just I've got a lot of things happening and I may need an extra pair of hands"

My day couldn't of got any worse, "yeah sure, what would you like me to do?"

"Just do these orders and I've got a new worker who is coming at 1:00am, so he should be here in 10 minutes" she said to me, I was kind of confused if you tell me.

"And what do I do when they come?" I asked confused.

"Just show him around for me and tell him how to work the coffee machine"

"Okay I'll just finish these them he should be here" I said

"Thank you ever so much darling, I'll pay you extra" well to be honest that kind off lightened me up a bit.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 28, 2015 ⏰

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