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Despite all kinds of attempt, the key wouldn't enter the lock, making me develop a good list of curses in my mind. I huffed frustrated as I gave the door a good kick making only the toes under my black converse to hurt. I began to miss California.

"I don't think it opens like that", a mused voice soft like velvet, said behind me.

I turned around embarrassed, I was faced with the perfection in person. I noticed how my mouth slowly opened, and how my eyes flashed in charm.

A young thin but built, with soft pale skin and brown hair, short but messy stood behind me and my blue suitcases scattered messily on the floor next to me.

"Ummm...ah", Great, I couldn't articulate anything intelligent or had any meaning.

"Let me guess, you're Kenadee, right?", He smiled showing his perfect white teeth, dazzling me.

Well, a perfect smile was framed apparently with soft pinkish lips; that was the most beautiful thing I've seen since I arrived to Venice.

"Dasha's friend?", He asked, now doubtful.

Crap! Was it necessary for someone to slap me to react? Yes, maybe yes; but I only limited myself to shake my head slightly.

"Yes, yes", I cleared my throat slyly. "To both questions, yes"

He smiled with more desire, as if he knew for years and knew everything. Something new to me.

"The door doesn't open", He wanted to know.

"Uh? No, no...", I looked down to hide visible blush. "The key doesn't go in", I explained.

"Doesn't go in? Hum...Will you allow me?", He extended his hand with his palm upwards. What did he think I was? Dumb?

I dared to look up to see him, he owned the most beautiful eyes where Picasso himself could have created a work with different shades of brown. I gave him the key, trusting a total stranger.

He got close to the apartment door and tried only once to put the key in the lock, thing that didn't work.

"Hum", He looked at the key. "I think they gave you the wrong key".

"You think?", I said sarcastically.

He laughed, the blow of his laugh touched my face. I forced myself to land back to Earth since I had flown far off to the last cloud. What weird emotions was I experimenting.

"Are you a...neighbor?", I asked hopeful, craving for him to say yes, that he owned one the apartments in this building.


"The..how do you know my name and that I'm friends with the girl that lives here", I made a pause frowning. "Dasha lives here, right?", I asked, suspiciously.

He laughed even more, like my naivety was funny. Well, maybe to him, yes.

"Yes, Dasha lives here", He pointed to the apartment marked 312 which I had tried to put the key in. "It's weird that she's not here", He said surprised. "And well, she told me about you, she had said you'd arrive tonight, and she was really excited about the news", he smiled.

"And you are...?", I squinted my eyes.

The Forbidden Manual// Denis StoffWhere stories live. Discover now