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"Sometimes I wish for the sweet relief of death," my ruff voice called out. "Other times the sweet relief that I crave so much seems like a burden." I took I deep breath and blew it back out. "I love feeling the buzz. The marks on my body and the decaying of my face and organs are merely troublesome." I smiled to myself slightly. "The drugs. They help me find..." I paused to think of a good word to use. "Serenity."

The soft voice that sounded like venom to me, gently spoke, "Have you ever thought of other ways to.. Self harm?"

I smirked, letting my teeth show. "I used to crave something other than drugs." I paused and looked up at her through my blue fringe. "I used to crave the feeling of my skin being torn open. There was a time that I craved shoving any form of metal I could find into my body. Then I would wait, and stare, and watch as the blood trickled down my body." I looked at my hands. "I would do it anywhere I could. My legs, my arms, my stomach, even my feet and hands." I continued to stare at the permanent indents on my palms.

I looked at her straight in the eye and smiled. She looked scared, I mean after all I had never smiled in front of her. I chuckled, just to scare her more.

"Can I go now? I'd rather go home and get high than stay here and listen to a slut like you."

With that I stood up, grabbed my ripped back, and left the room without another word uttered. I opened the door to the manner and stepped outside. The air was cool and had a nice Autumn smell to it. The rain had just started to die down.

I made my way along streets and across roads. Finally I reached my house. I fished for my green keys in my pocket. After retrieving them and finding the right key, I opened the dark blue door to my house.

I kicked my shoes off and dragged myself up the carpeted stairs. I pushed open my bedroom door and walked inside, making sure to close the door behind me.

I searched through drawers, boxes and a wardrobe before I found what I was looking for. I thought I had finished this?

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