“Coffee?” I asked

“Black, no sugar” I nodded, handing him a cup of coffee, feeling sparks go up my hand when his fingers brush mine. I pulled away immediately and he looked up at me uncertainly. Our eyes locked for a moment and I felt my heart speed up. Jeesh I’m acting like a romantic groupie. But too soon the moment ended when a head of blonde hair rushed into the room. I sighed and reluctantly averted my eyes from Alpha Grayson’s.

“Good morning” she sang happily. At least someone had a good night I thought icily. She collided with Alpha Grayson, planting a kiss on his lips. I’ve never really seen them show any affection in front of me. Sure I’ve heard them, but seeing it with my own eyes, made my heart drop. I quickly looked away because I know if I continued to look my heart will shatter into a million pieces.

Oh hell no! My wolf snarled, I internally cringe from the venom in her tone. She’s beyond mad, she absolutely furious. I’m going to fucking kill her. When she’s asleep I’m gonna kill her and bury her corpse in a freaking desert.

How are you gonna get to a desert? I teased trying to calm my raging wolf.

I don’t care. All I know is that bitch is dead. To my wolf’s dismay I shut her out as she began to shout profanities in my head. Clearly I was getting a headache. I looked back up to see that they’re not only kissing, but it’s like a full out make out session, complete with all the sounds effects that I rather not hear.

“Good morning you dirty little freaks” Seth exclaimed “Adelina my dear, I didn’t know you had a thing for live porn” he said smirking at me. Seth you are a life saver.

“Good morning Seth. And no I don’t have a ‘thing’ for live porn. I was actually thinking of a nice way to break them up” I said smiling at him.

“Well that’s too bad; I was kind of hoping we could make our own little movie and sell it off the internet. We could make millions with your hot body and my devilish good looks.” He said waggling his eyebrows.

“As tempting as that offer sounds; I rather not have my first time broadcast for the whole world to see” I said coolly.

“You’re a virgin?” Alpha Grayson asked, looking at me like I just announced that they found a cure for cancer.

“Yes!” I said, looking at him direct in the eye “I’m actually waiting to share that special moment with my mate.”

“Awww that’s so sweet” Rosie stated. Sure it is, but you don’t mind sleeping with my mate.

“Yeah I know right” still looking him in the eye I said “I wonder if my mate will wait for Me.” Please he’s a typical guy who only cares about making his dick happy.

Seth snorted “Please Lina, he’s a guy, he’s definitely not waiting” you have no idea Seth.

“Whatever, I don’t want to talk about my mate that doesn’t even exist yet” I said coldly, still looking him in the eye.

“So are you excited about the shopping trip?” Rosie asked, excitement dripping off her words. Ugh her happy mood makes me sick. Her voice makes me sick.

Her face makes me sick. My wolf snarl

I thought I shut you up.

Think again!

Shut up.

“Totally.” I said faking enthusiasm. “Seth you coming?” I asked hoping at least he’ll be there to take my mind off of the stupid ‘couple’

“Can’t! I’m beta, and seeing as Peter over here is obligated to go shopping with my sister I have to oversee the pack”

“Well that sucks” I said pouting

“Awww honey don’t worry I’ll be here when you get back. No need to miss me.”

“Miss you?” I asked incredulously “I needed someone to hold my bags”

“Ouch!” he said smiling at me. “Maybe Peter will help”

“He already has Rosie bags to hold” I said still pouting.

“I’ll asked one of the other pack members to accompany us” Alpha Grayson cut into our senseless banter with a scowl on his face.

I rolled my eyes at his ridiculous behavior. You can make out with another girl but I can’t even flirt. Stupid Alpha!

I smiled sweetly at him “Make it a guy! A super cute one”

“Lucky for you most of the guys in our pack are beyond hot” Rosie said wiggling her eyebrows suggestively.

“That’s the best news I’ve heard all day” I said flatly.

“Hey I’m still here” Seth exclaimed

“Really! I didn’t notice” I said, punching him in the shoulder playfully.

Just then another pack member decided to join us. The first thing I noticed was that he was shirtless. And let me just say I lost my train of thought. He had these beautiful pair of grey eyes. They were hypnotizing; his hair was a dirty blonde color that was messy. It looked wind-blown, like he just ran a mile. His skin had a natural tan that made him glow. His full lips wore a confident smile. Did I mention he was shirtless?

Smack! Why is my arm burning, I feel like I’ve been hit by a truck. Smack! There’s that sound again. Smack! “Ouch!” I said rubbing my arm. At least now I know why it’s burning. I turned to glare at Seth. “What was that for?” I asked.

“Well I’ve been trying to get your attention for the last five minutes” he exclaimed exasperated “Jeez it’s like talking to a brick wall, do you always space put like that.” Apparently I’ve been staring at that guy’s abs for the pass five minutes.

Way to be subtle. My wolf teased

“Um… I was just…. You know…” I said waving my hand around like a mad woman.

“Checking me out?” a spellbinding voice added.

“I was not” I replied stubbornly, the shirtless dude raise his eyebrows

“Fine I was totally checking you out. But in my defense I’m completely innocent” I said “I’m not the one advertising my abs”

“Hey if you got it, flaunt it” he said flexing his arms.

Alpha Grayson cleared his throat gaining our attention “it doesn’t matter whose fault it is” he said sounding aggravated. “This is Darren; he’ll be going shopping with us”

“One quick question Darren, do you have a mate?” I asked

“No, why?”

“Just making sure you’re uncharted territory.” I said winking at him. I noticed Alpha Grayson and Seth glaring at Darren, while Rosie was smiling at me.

“Are you sure you’re a virgin?” she asked “You’re pretty good with the seduction thing”

“Sweetie you haven’t even seen half of my skills yet” I said cockily.

She giggled, a really annoying, high pitched giggled.

Kill me now. I begged my wolf I can’t take a day with this chic.

She’s too happy. My wolf stated

I didn’t know what the rest of this day will hold, but I do know that this will be Alpha Grayson’s worst shopping trip ever! (Cue evil laugh)


Hope you enjoyed! Tell me if you liked it and/or what I should do to make it better! Thanks to everyone who's supported my story thus far!!! feel free to vote and comment!!!! Love Alwayzzzz


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