Chapter 1

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Depression is something no one should ever joke about. it is a serious subject because depression is dealing with people wanting to die. Ok not everyone who is depressed wants to die but depression is still a serious subject. it is emotional and mental pain that is just the same as physical pain, it exists. More times than not, people that are depressed don't show it. They keep it locked up inside where no one can see it. Anyone can be depressed and pretend to be happy, the same way someone can be happy and pretend to be depressed. That's exactly what Andy did.

Andy had never been one to be sad. The only time he has ever felt truly 'sad' was when his grandfather died and even then he still wasn't depressed. Andy is the kind of person that is just a bundle of positivity that loves playing his guitar and singing KISS songs at the top of his lungs. If you were just to look at his music library you would assume that he was a part of the 'depressed 'emo' ' stereotype, but that's not who he is. He really is purely just a happy person. He is quite cheeky and mischievous and although can be quite cocky, is a great person to be around.

He isn't very popular but just loves attention. It's what he craves. He will do whatever it takes to have all eyes on him. He cracks jokes and sasses off the teachers just so students in his class will laugh and look at him. He never seems to get into trouble though, the teachers have learnt not to take him seriously. He's the kind of person that will call his friends names all the time, one of those people you love to hate but also can't quite get enough of his wit and sass and he can be a great friend if he wanted to be. Never has he felt depressed. I mean sure he's been heartbroken by an ex but haven't we all been heartbroken? Not necessarily by an ex but by crushes finding boyfriends or girlfriends or other things like that.

It is rare to see Andy frown. He only frowns when he is doing school work and gets a little confused or is inhumanely tired. He never uses being tired as a cover up for being sad though, mainly because he always is honestly tired. People sometimes assume that he is depressed because of how tired he looks ninety-five percent of the time. He isn't though, and he never will be. Well at least that's what he thinks.

"Ronnie what are you doing? We're going to be late if you don't hurry up!" Andy groans, making the hand gestures that you make when telling someone to hurry up. "Calm the fuck down dude. We still have half an hour and it only takes ten minutes to get there." Ronnie says to Andy who is trying to pull him out of the CD store because he has a feeling that it's going to rain soon and would rather get to school early and dry than late or even on-time and wet. "I'm going Ronnie, you can walk by yourself. I don't want to be late." Andy says walking out with the CD's he payed for about five minutes ago. Ronnie has gone through all the CD racks nearly three times but just can't pick one. He knows he wants to buy a CD but just can't choose.

Andy walks out of the store and starts walking. He has been walking for about five minutes when he spots a guy called Ashley walking on the other side of the street with one of his friends. Andy has had a crush on Ashley since about a year ago. Andy constantly dreams about talking to Ashley but just doesn't know how to approach him without it being weird.

You know how Andy isn't overly popular? Well Ashley is. He's good popular though. He isn't popular for being a jerk that is a star athlete who is dating the queen bee of the school, he is popular because of how nice he is. Most popular people let the popularity get to their heads. That's not Ashley, he is one of the sweetest people ever. Ashley is a member of the soccer team, as is Andy, which is how they met.

Andy was almost staring now. He then also slowly notices Ashley turn in his direction. He blinks away the staring sad puppy dog eyes. Ashley notices Andy and shoots a small smile and wave. Andy almost dies, Ashley Fucking Purdy just smiled and waved at him. Andy smiles back before he forgets in his haze of mad love. Then the girl that Ashley is walking with points at a small dog that someone is walking down the same street. "Jealous much?" Andy hears someone call out. It was Ronnie who must have ran to catch up with him. "Pfft no... Not at all." Andy says, quickly trying to cover up the obvious jealousy. "Don't lie. You just shot that girl one of your death stares that you only give when you are really jealous" Andy just rolls his eyes and mutters to himself "That bitch trying to steal my man." Ronnie must have heard because he lets out a small chuckle. "Dude, she pointed out a cute dog. It's not like she kissed him or anything like that."

They finally got to school. It didn't rain and they were early but that just gives Andy 20 minutes to stare at Ashley. Their lockers are rather close. When the bell rang Andy walked straight to class. The teacher wasn't there yet but he just walked straight in. he sat down towards the back and put his stuff on his desk. Soon enough, the teacher walked in and the class began, much to Andy's dismay.

After his first double, Andy had a free double so he went to the study room to attempt to study. He got as far as turning on his laptop when Ronnie walked in. Ronnie sat down on the seat next to Andy and got his belongings out of his bag. "Ronnie I have a problem. I like a guy who is super hot and I'm an ugly piece of shit." Ronnie face-palmed at what his friend had just said. Andy was totally in love and it was getting kind of sad.

Halfway through the double, Ashley and a few of his friends and their girlfriends walk in and sit down. Andy is a bit confused on why all of Ashley's friends are dating but then Ashley is still single. It has been almost six months since Ashley's last relationship. He was dating a guy called Vic but then one day it just suddenly ended. Not that Andy was keeping track.

Ronnie spoke, "Andy you're are not ugly. If I was gay I would totally fuck you or let you fuck me. I don't know who would top to be honest. Anyway. You are not ugly." Andy chuckles. Still looking in Ashley's direction. "I know I'm a sexy beast and all but damn, he is like sex on legs and he has sexy legs. Oh look now he's laughing. His laugh is adorable." Andy gushes making Ronnie choke on the water he had been trying to drink. "YOU KNOW WHAT HIS LAUGH SOUNDS LIKE?" Andy just shrugs and looks to his laptop.

Sometime Andy is a little obsessive but it's not like he sees it as a big deal. Everyone has at least one crush that they think about day and night for days on end. It's like when teenage fangirls crush on Harry Styles or Vic Fuentes, whatever musical style you're into. Andy just happens to have his own crush, which happens to go to his school. For the rest of the lesson Andy and Ronnie chatted about the science test that they have coming up next. They just know that this is going to be a hard test. No amount of studying could prepare them for it. Well, that's what they think. It wasn't long until the bell rang again. Lunchtime finally!

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 01, 2016 ⏰

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