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Thanks for reading my story Blind Date if you did. If you didn't then shame on you. You really should read!!! Just kidding read it if you want.

Some things in this story are part on my life. Not all some stuff was adding or changed. See if you can tell which are real and which are not! Post a comment and I will tell you if you have it right or not!!,

Thanks Again for reading!!!!

Well here is my new story I hope you like it.


May 1995

" Hey Faith!.....You wanna play? " my Uncle Matt asked holding up a football in his hand.

This was pretty much an everyday thing him and his friends would always be doing something. From football to skateboarding and everything in between. My Uncle was only three years older then me at 19 and he was a senior in high school. He got held back once and I was grateful since now I'm a freshmen in high school. I loved it I got to hang out with seniors.

" Touch or Tackle? " I said walking towards him.

He smiled. " Tackle of course! Duhhhh! What do you think I am crazy. " he said throwing the ball to Frank across the backyard.

" I'm soooo in then. " I said smirking.

" Cool! Your on my team. It's Me, You, Joe, and Roger against Frank, Chris, Gordon, and Tim. " he said.

" Hell Yes!! " Roger said.

" Damn it Matt! " Frank said.

Roger and Frank said at the same time.

I swung on Roger. " What was that Little brother? " I said smiling.

" Oh sorry sis. It's just we're going to beat them and I was so happy I didn't think first. Please don't tell mom and dad! " he said with a sad face and both hands clasped together begging. He was so cute when he did that. He's two years younger then me. Sometimes he just got on my nerves, but other times he was a good for something.

" For now. " I said smirking.

" How did I know you were gonna say that. " he said smiling knowing I wasn't gonna say anything unless he pissed me off then I would use it against him.

" Uh guys......Mmm shouldn't we play touch or something with her playing. " came from Tim. He was our new neighbor. He moved in 2 weeks ago.

Everyone started laughing and he was just looking around trying to figure what was so funny about what he said.

" Dude she's fine! Lets play! " Frank said and continued " She's on my team next game. " he said looking at Matt. Matt nodded.

" Man I'm not tackling a girl, no way are you crazy I could hurt her. " Tim said shaking his head.

" That's not gonna stop her from tackling you if you get the ball. " Roger said laughing and pointing at Tim and lining up to play.

" I'm guessing no one has told you about me. " I said looking at Tim smiling. I walked closer to him. " If I was you I would play like you do with the guys because if you don't your team is never gonna have a chance to win. " I said laughing running away from him. He just gave me a look that said 'Yea Right' and turned to get in position so the game could start.

Tim didn't know what to think. He was 19 and he was looking at a girl that couldn't be no more then 15 or 16 years old. Man he was in trouble. Because she was a looker with shoulder length dirty blonde hair. She was probably just over 5 feet tall, but was built. From what he seen of her the couple of times in the last 2 weeks she was busy coming and going with her friends. She must be some cheerleader or something. She was always dress with some costume or something on. This is the first time he was asked to play since he moved in next door. He definitely wasn't expecting this. Damn it she was still a girl and he wasn't gonna tackle her.

Frank's team got the ball first and the game was on.

" I got the new guy. " I said when we were in the huddle.

Then a thought came to mind. Whatever team I wasn't on was skins. That meant! I turned around to get a look. Oh Yeah! I'm liking the new neighbor even better now.

The game started. On the second play Frank throw the ball to Tim and I tackled him like a linebacker. We both were on the ground. The look on his face was of complete shock.

" You really should pay better attention next time. I didn't hurt you did I? " I asked getting up from him.

He just shook his back and forth not moving as I walked off.

" Damn Tim you alright? She just took you down like you were nothing. " Frank said as he stuck out a hand to help Tim up.

" Shit! I think I'm in love! " Tim said grinning while accepting the hand that was offered.

Frank just stared at him. " Man I think she knocked something loose up there in your brain. " Frank said smirking.

" Nope everything is just fine up there. " Tim said smiling.

Three days later he asked her out on a date. Six months later he proposed. In April of 1996 they were married with the full blessing of both sets of parents.

Eight months after they married child one was born.

Two more years later a set of twins was born.

A week before their 15th anniversary a drunk driver crash into Tim's car when he was on his way home from work. Killing him instantly and leaving behind Faith and the boys.

Life changes in the blink of an eye. Ever since that day Faith has made sure that she and the boys live life to the fullest. Never taking a single second of every day for granted.

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