Chapter 1

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“Jennifer! Come quick!” I hear my beta, Jasmine who is also my best friend scream across the house. I rush over to the kitchen where she is at and immediately look for any danger. But all I see are overcooked eggs and burnt bacon.

“I ruined breakfast” she whines. I groan and glare at her.

“Not cool Jasmine, I thought something was seriously wrong,” I growl. She rolls her eyes and puts one hand on her hip, the other pointing at me with a egg caked spatula.

“Breakfast being ruined is seriously wrong! Now what are we going to eat? Because I’m starving!” she pouts. I sigh and walk over to our one of many house phones and order something for us. 

“Happy?” I ask when finished. She nods and gives me a side hug. Scraping everything out of the pans, she starts washing the dirty pans when Susan walks in. Or as everybody likes to call her ‘little Susan’, considering she is half of the size of us all.

“Morning Susan” I smile at her as I flip through the TV stations. 

“Hey Jen” she replies with her bright smile as she sits next to me. Jasmine soon shows up on my other side and snatches the remote from my hand. Waiting for the food to arrive seems like forever. Jasmine talking about food got me hungry, and now we’re watching the food channel. 

Being in the top three strongest packs in the nation is hard. Especially if you’re an unmated female, that can arouse trouble. But we’re the strongest for a reason. We don’t take any crap from anybody, and we can’t or we will be taken over. With my pack of 400, I can’t risk my packs life. Not many people know that there is only a female alpha as well. Which is better because people thing because I’m a chick I can’t fight or run a pack properly. Obviously wrong, but I would like to meet my mate someday.

Eric walks in and plants a kiss on Susan’s cheek. It’s awkward because he’s my ex and now her mate. Susan and I are close to. Which can cause a lot of awkward moments. But it’s only as awkward as you make it. Plus my pack needs him, he is a great fighter and excellent with computers. If he weren’t Susan’s mate, I’d probably make him a rouge. Which seems like a better solution to me. But lucky for them I’m not a selfish person and I care for all my friends.

I get a knock on the door and I hand the remote to Jasmine. I answer the door and look around. Nobody was here. I smell the air and smell a spy from a rival pack. I growl and I hear Jasmine get up from her seat.

“Eric” I growl, but not at him. “Find that spy that was just here” I use my alpha tone. He immediately jumps out the door, transforming into his dark timber colored wolf. Smelling the air quickly and running off towards the north, where our closest border is. I grit my teeth, we have to deal with this once in a while, and normally if we don’t catch the spy, we end up fighting off a rival pack or some rouges.

“Everybody keep your mind links open to Eric.” I state to the small group of us in the room. I open up my own and wait for Eric to tell me if we lost him or not.

They got across the border, but they’re close I can smell him. I can bring him back without being detected on the other packs territory. Eric says to me through mind link. I think this over; we’ve never really crossed any borders without permission.

Be quick, and Eric. Don’t screw up and get caught, we don’t need any trouble.

He doesn’t respond so I know he is already after the guy. I groan internally and hope for the best. Susan is biting her nails and shifting her feet nervously. I lay a hand on her shoulder.

“He’ll be fine, he’s my third in command and a great fighter. If he needs help he’ll tell us.”

Jen, we got trouble, I was led into a trap he says to only me. Closing out his mate and Jasmine. I glance over at them.

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