Chapter 8: The Relentlessness Letter X

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"The heck you are! What did you do to her?" Aiden got in Jarred's face. 

"Nothing!" Jared replied. I watched in horror.I didn't need this to happing now. Jarred was about the same height as Aiden, and it looked like it could go either way, if this went down.

"Nothing? Nothing? Look at her! Why is she crying?" He exclaimed. I knew Aiden well enough to know he was a few seconds away from punching Jarred's face in. As much as I believed he deserved it, I just wanted Jarred to go. 

"That's none of your business." Jared replied back. 

Aiden slammed his fist into Jarred nose. Jarred fell against the wall, and I ran to Aiden to try to stop him, but Jarred was already getting up. Jarred rammed him self into Aiden and the both went over the couch.  

"Please stop!" I begged. They both got on their feet again. Aiden had a drip of blood slide down from a cut on his brow and Jarred nose was still bleeding.  

"Stop now!" I yelled frustrated. If they didn't stop soon the neighbors were going to call the cops. They both walked to separate side of the room and sat down. Both still catching their breath and watching the other. 

"Aiden maybe you should go before my Dad gets back." I said truly worried. I didn't want to get him into more trouble. 

"Only if you come with me. I'm not leaving you here with him." He replied fiercely. I hesitated for a moment. 

"Aiden I'll be fine, just let me call...." I tried to convince him.  

"No Mads, I'm not leaving you here by yourself!" For a minute he reminded me so much of Cameron. I wanted to smile, and cry. I wish Cameron were here. 

"I'm not going to hurt her, idiot!" Jared interjected. 

"Just shut up. I don't know who you are, and I really don't give a crap, but I'm not leaving her here with you!" Aiden snapped. 

"Whatever, at the end of the day she always does what she wants." He shot at me. I glared at him. He was the last person that should be pointing any fingers. I looked at Jarred, but spoke to Aiden. 

"Fine. Just give me a sec." I walked to the bathroom and got my purse and washed my face. No wonder Aiden almost broke Jarred's face. I looked horrible. Although I knew it was a bad idea to leave with Aiden, considering how mad my Dad must be already, Aiden was right, if Jared wouldn't go then I should. Our fights always got bad. Jarred never hit me, but still it was always so emotional, and to be completely honest, I didn't want to deal with it anymore. 

Jarred was in the kitchen with the water running. Aiden was waiting for me by the door. I looked at Jarred and realized I really never wanted him to get hit. I walked over to him and just looked at him.  

"Maddy if your going to go, just go." It sounded like it pained him to say it. 

"Jarred I wish you wouldn't have come." I said honestly. 

"Yeah, It sucks meeting your replacement." He laughed bitterly. 

"He's not your replacement. For heavens sake Jared, not everyone is like you. I can't just leave someone, and be with another person the next day!" I shot back. 

"That's not fair." He said upset again. 

"No, what's not fair is that you just won't let me move on. You hurt me Jarred and I really just want to forgive you and move on but you're making it really hard." I said. 

"It's because I don't want you to move on. I still love you. Doesn't that mean anything to you anymore?" He asked. 

"At one point that was all that mattered, but not anymore. Please just do us both a favor and go back to London. You'll be over me in a few months, or weeks." Jared looked at me with hurt in his eyes. He would never understand how much he hurt me, never. I brushed a tear from my eye and approached Aiden. 

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