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"How was your day, Haz?" Harry's mother asked him once we he got to the end of the stairs. "It was good, gym wasn't fun."

She began taking the dishes out of the dish washer and handing them to Harry to put up. "Did you feel the presence?" She asked.

Harry paused for a moment. He wasn't sure if he should tell her what happened. "No, I didn't today."

His mother looked at him and gave a weak smile. "That's good dear. Are you ready for therapy later?"

Harry put up the last dish and rubbed his eyes,"I suppose if it will help me get better."

He walked back upstairs to his room to get ready. He took off his sweatpants and slid on his black skinny jeans. He dug through the clothes lying on his floor and traded his tee shirt for a black sweater.

"I'm ready," he called downstairs to his mother. They walked to his mother's car and drove to Harry's weekly therapist.

Every Wednesday Harry would go to therapy. He used to have to leave early from school until the other students started noticing. It only made everything worse. After awhile he finally got his mom to get him a later time.

They pulled into the parking lot and Harry got out right as his mother parked the car. The waiting room was always quiet. Allowing him to think. Something that wasn't best for him.

He knew Louis was there. He didn't see him though. He wondered if other people would be able to see him too.

His thoughts were interrupted by his therapist opening the door. He got up from the uncomfortable couch and lead the way to the familiar room.

He sat down on the much more comfortable couch and waited for his therapist, Sarah, to speak. "Good afternoon, Harry."

He gave her a small smile and nodded,"You too." She smiled and crossed one leg over the other. "How was your week?"

Harry tapped his fingers on his legs and tried to think. There was no way he was going to tell her about seeing Louis. No way.

"The presence has felt stronger," he finally spoke after what seemed like forever on both parts. Sarah wrote something down in a little notebook. "Does it make you feel weaker? Nervous?"

He was about to say something when he heard a chuckle. He looked behind Sarah to see Louis sitting at her desk. He smiled at Harry,"Hi Haz."

Sarah began to turn around in her chair to see what Harry was looking at. Harry panicked, thinking she could possibly see him. "Um, I..no. It doesn't make me feel nervous. Or weaker."

Harry looked behind Sarah again to look at Louis. "Tsk, Tsk. You seemed a little nervous to me, Harry." Louis was teasing him. It wasn't Harry's fault something inhuman was stalking him.

Harry shifted in his seat uncomfortably. "Are you okay Harry?" Sarah asked. "Yeah, yeah I'm fine. Promise." He assured her, hoping she would believe the lie.

Harry stared at the ground in silence for a good while. He wasn't sure what to say. A lot of the sessions went like this. They would talk, then Harry would run out of things to say. It was an ongoing cycle.

Harry looked back up at Louis who was now standing to the right of Sarah. Louis was grinning at him devilishly. Harry looked away, trying to avoid eye contact.

"Why don't you play a game Harry? You and Sarah," Louis suggested. "I don't want to play a game," Harry whispered.

"I'm sorry?" Sarah said. "Nothing," Harry replied. Louis walked towards Harry slowly. "Oh come on Harry, play a game. It will be fun." Louis wouldn't let it go.

"I don't want to play a game," Harry said a little louder than last time. "Harry what are you saying?" Sarah shifted to the other side of her seat.

Harry couldn't hold it in anymore. "It's Louis. He's the presence." Sarah sat up straighter. "Harry what are you saying?"

Harry looked up at the smirking Louis. "The presence. It's a boy. His name is Louis. I saw him today." Harry was beyond nervous about what she would say.

"How did you see him?" She asked. "I-I don't know. He just kind of showed up. Out of nowhere." Louis was now sitting on the coffee table in front of Harry. He was amused by the conversation.

"Is he here now?" Sarah questioned. Harry looked up so that his eyes would meet with Sarah's. He nodded, "Yes. He is." She wrote something down on her notepad again.

"Can you point to where he is?" Harry lifted his arm up to point to the space in front of him. "Are you making eye contact with him?" Harry nodded.

He looked back at Sarah when he heard the click of a pen. "Time's up." She stated. He got up and opened the door, walking down the long narrow hallway to the waiting room where his mother was waiting for him.

He walked out of the waiting room without his mother. By the time she got outside of the building Harry was already in the car.

"Are you okay, honey?" She asked before starting the car. "I'm fine. Can we go home?" She sighed and started the car for the drive home.

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