Patterns of the Earth

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Ever noticed the patterns of the Earth?

Crumbling dirt soft upon your feet

Spiky, reaching grass that tickles at your toes

Or squelching, sloppy mud that seeps beneath your nails


The ground depicts a lifetime 

Exceeding that of you and I


How many have walked this forest floor

Stumbled on this root

Dived into this crystal lake

Or lain upon this crest?


Even the greatest of us

Cannot hope to answer a question such as this


This world is our home

A nurturing bonny mam

One who whispers on the breeze

And cries at the dawn


She opens our eyes to the stars 

And our heart to a mere blossom


Shows us our capacity

Limitless, unknown,


Then bestows our free will


Though she holds us to her breast 

There may come a time

At which we hurl ourselves away

Forgetting and abusing her love


There will be dreamers

And realists to counter


Some will bloom while others wilt

Which will be you?

One who spurns your gifts

Or one who uses and enhances them?


But as my path is different to yours

I cannot provide an ultimate answer 


But I can say,

Life is what you make it

You decide whether to be a speck of dust in a desert

Or a magnificent mountain


Either way that is the pattern that you choose

The one that you leave behind


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