You're Anything But Ordinary

Start from the beginning


After my shower where Brad was waiting patiently in my room we were now cooking dinner. Dad was working till late and Jacob was at his friend's house once again. It was Friday after all. "So what are we cooking?", Brad asked as I started to take all the things we needed out from the fridge. "Spaghetti Carbonara?". I was hoping that he would like it. I really loved that dish. It was so easy to make and it was delicious. "I've never tasted that before". I turned around and looked at him. "really?". He nodded and I smiled. Then I could finally make something he hadn't tasted before. "Well care to help me?", I asked and he nodded standing behind me. "What should I do?" "Well we need to make the spaghetti and we need to cook the bacon". He nodded and together we started to cook. It was really fun. Brad started to play some music, which was of course All Time Low and we sang together and just had fun. This was what I liked about Brad. When I was with him I didn't care that I couldn't sing or that I probably looked like an idiot. If I did something stupid, he would do it with me so I didn't feel so embarrassed. After an hour our food was ready and we sat down in front of the TV since we couldn't bother with sitting at the dining table. I sat cross-legged on the sofa with the plate of spaghetti while watching Brad as he took his first bite. "We should be chefs", he whispered 2 seconds later into my ear and I laughed. To me that meant he liked it. "So what do you suggest we do this evening? Just watch movies?", I asked and he looked up at me before flashing a smile. "I have an idea. But I need you to come with me". "Come with you to what?", I asked curiously. "can't tell you". "Okay, but at least tell me what I should wear then". "Nothing special. Just be you". I nodded and stood up wanting to change into some other clothes. I changed into a pair of black skinny jeans, a black Panic At the Disco top and my converse. I kept on my glasses and let my hair down so it didn't look like I was trying too hard. I don't think Brad would take me somewhere posh. Even though he's rich and lives in a mansion he's not snobby. I think he's the exact opposite. When I came back he had his shoes on and his leather jacket. "are you ready?", he asked with a smirk and I nodded. What could he possibly need me for?


We arrived outside some little pub half an hour away from my house. "Where are we?", I asked amazed of why he would take me to a place like this. Were we gonna get drunk or something? He didn't answer me but got out of the car and took something from the boot of the car. I met him at the entrance where he now had his guitar in his hand. "What do you need your guitar for?". I was so confused. He took my hand in his free one and led me through the door to the pub. It was dark and a lot of people was sitting at the tables drinking and laughing with their friends. It was really cosy to be honest. It was very crowded and I tightened my grip on his hand so I didn't lose him. "Brad. You came", someone said to Brad as we reached the bar. It was the bartender. He was small, had short blond hair and was wearing a white button up shirt and a pair of jeans. "Hey Martin. Of course I came. Where do I set up?", Brad asked making me even more confused. "By the stage. Who's the little lady?", He asked now looking at me. I was standing a bit behind Brad and since I wasn't that tall it was kind of hard to notice me. "this is my girlfriend Clara. Clara this is Martin". I shook his hand and gave him a shy smile. "Clara stay here". Then Brad disappeared through the crowds of people leaving me here with the bartender named Martin. "Sit down, don't be shy", he smiled and I sat down on one of the bar stools. "W-where is he going?", I asked trying to find him in the sea of people. "You don't know?", he asked and I shook my head. "You'll find out soon. What do you want to drink? It's on the house", he winked at me making me blush. "J-just water please". He nodded and went to find some water for me. He was a really nice guy. Maybe this was where Brad went when he wanted to get drunk? It would make a lot of sense to be honest. Plus if you didn't come here often you wouldn't know the bartender unless they were related. Where was Brad? It was starting to freak me out a bit. Martin came back with a glass of water and handed it to me with a big smile on his face. He was probably wondering why I would be at a bar and not drink alcohol. Or be Brads girlfriend and not drink alcohol. We are very different people. "Where's Brad?", I asked nervously taking a sip of the ice cold water. It cooled me down as it was starting to get really hot in here. "You'll see". "Why does he never tell me anything. Brat", I muttered under my breath and Martin started to laugh really loud. How the hell could he hear me? "You're different from the other girl he took here. You obviously care about him". His words took me by surprise. Who could he have brought here? I was about to ask who but the lights dimmed so you almost couldn't see anything. Then the lights on a little stage lit up and Brad was standing on it with his guitar in his hand. Oh. My. God. Was he going to sing like I told him to? "Hello. I'm Brad and I'll be playing a song for you tonight". He didn't sound nervous at all, but of course Brad never get's nervous. Then he started to sing the intro to Weightless. His voice was just as raw and beautiful like it has always been and he played the cords perfectly. He had practised a lot. As the chorus started girls started to get up and dance and the men where just nodding to the music. Me? I was sitting with my mouth open looking at the broken boy before me. The guy who let out his emotions through music and kisses. The guy who was always cold but still so easy to love. My boyfriend. 'Maybe it's not my weekend, but it's gonna be my year and I'm so sick of watching while the minutes pass as I go nowhere, and this is my reaction, to everything I feel. 'Cause I've been going crazy I don't want to waste another minute here'. Yes maybe he wasn't the boy who confessed his love through music, or through anything at all, but he was still mine. Maybe it was worth being with him even if I knew it would never lead anywhere? We are here now right? I've never felt so good in someone's presence and I don't want to lose that. I don't want to be alone again. I don't want to let him go because of my own confusion and inexperience of relationships. I don't know how this will work but I have to give it a try. Like everyone said. You can't force someone to love you. I don't want to force Brad. He has worse problems in his life. He finished off his song as I was lost in my own world and I didn't even notice him going off the stage. "Clara?". He shook me a bit and I came out of my thinking at looked at him. "W-what?", I asked and he smiled. "I love when you totally zone out", he laughed and I smiled. Another flaw of mine. "You were amazing! I told you that!", I yelled and jumped into his embrace. "I know. Thank you for encouraging me", he whispered in my ear. "Why didn't you tell me that you were going to sing?". "It was a surprise. I know you like all that romance stuff and I thought it was romantic to surprise someone?". He sounded doubtful. It was cute. I laid both of my hands on each side of his face and he bent down and touched my lips with his. Even though we were in a pub with people everywhere it was only the two of us in that moment.

A/N: Hi Guys!

I don't really know what to write today. I haven't done anything amazing or exciting. I've been (still am) ill so that's not that nice XD.

I've got my grades though and I got an A in english and Danish so yay! XD Those are probably the only subjects I enjoy!

Also I've been worrying about something a lot lately:( I told you guys that this is my last year on this school and me and my best friend are going on different schools. I'm just so afraid of losing him, I really don't know what to do. He says we won't lose contact but I just know that he will get other friends and all that, and he will forget me.. What can I do? It's honestly one of the biggest fears in my life:/

What is your biggest fear? You don't have to answer if you don't feel comfortable doing so <3 I'm always here though :P

Thanks for reading and remember to comment, vote, dm and follow my instagram because I use that way more than wattpad. (unless I find a new book to read so I end up reading until 3 am in the morning! That happens way too often)

I love you guys!

-Anna xx

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