chapter 1

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"Anya hurry why is it taking so long for you to pack your stuff" my mom was yelling from downstairs.
Hi I am Anya Bassi. I m a16 year old girl. I have been raised in New Delhi. Last month after my fabulous sweet 16 I got a very terrifying news. My dad told me that he had got his new job in London.! Yes London. A city I have been so much in love with. I never even imagined in my wildest dreams that I'd be living in London.
I am sitting on the floor in my room and looking over it for I guess the last few times since it'll no longer be mine.
I look over at my wall filled with posters of my favourite music artists coldplay maroon 5 the Beatles Taylor swift and also of my favourite YouTube celebrities.
I lie down on my bed and let myself soak all the memories of this room. This is the room where I have had the most amazing sleepovers, the most fun filled midnight birthday surprises, the prank calls , gossips and crazy makeup sessions before any party.

After lying for one hour and almost weeping I realised its time to get dressed for my farewell party that my friends are throwing for me at my best friend Rhea's place. I quickly shower and straighten my hair. I always prefer straightening my hair since it suits my long dark brown hair. I wear a little black dress from Forever 21 and pair it with my hot wedges from Aldo. I do my makeup which is very basic..just a little touch up and eyeliner and mascara. As I apply the last coat of my lip gloss I watch the time and hurry downstairs.
I quickly sit in the car and my driver rides off to Rhea's house. All of my friends are waiting their for me since I realised I was super late. This doesn't happen usually since I am the host a number of times. We hold a lot of parties. I am partially famous and I have a big social group. We all dance and click pictures. This was just like our normal parties but filled with an emotional end.
As I was departing I was greeted by their hugs and a giant basket full of their presents.
I reaches home at around midnight and changed into my nightwear and drifted off to sleep instantly.
2 days later
"Hurry honey, we need to reach the airport quick"my mom was saying as she approached my room. Or was already empty. She could feel the tears forming in my eyes and instantly hugged me. "You'll love it there" she said to me and we walked out of the house ready for our flight.

London you better be good to me.

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